Friday, 17 January 2025, Universitas Gadjah Mada Library and Archives held a LibSpeak#3 Webinar with the theme “Learning Good Practices from the AUNILO and TULLIP Programmes”. This webinar presented two speakers, namely Wasilatul Baroroh, S.S.I and Delta Ira Anggreanie, S.IP. The first session was opened with a presentation by Wasilatul Baroroh, S.S.I, who explained in depth about the Higher Education Libraries participating in AUNILO. The speaker explained how this programme is a forum for collaboration between libraries in the ASEAN region to support the development of higher education.

The second session continued with a discussion on the TULLIP Programme (Transforming University Libraries Leadership & Innovation Programme) by Delta Ira Anggreanie, S.IP and Wasilatul Baroroh, S.S.I. The speakers explained how TULLIP, initiated by NUS Libraries, became one of the strategic programmes to improve the leadership and innovation of university libraries, as well as bridging the gap between library professionals in ASEAN and other regions.
The event ended with an interactive discussion and Q&A session. The participants enthusiastically asked questions and shared their views on the topics discussed. This webinar is a valuable moment to broaden horizons and strengthen professional networks in the library field. With the success of this event, it is hoped that higher education libraries in Indonesia will be more motivated to adopt the best practices that have been presented in the webinar.
The LibSpeak#3 Webinar activity is in line with UGM's commitment to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 4: Quality Education. Through this webinar, UGM continues to encourage strengthening the role of libraries in supporting access to inclusive, quality, and sustainable education.
Contributor: Delta Ira Anggreanie