Collection Guidelines



We provide collections based on subjects (from Group 000: General Knowledge to Group 900 = Earth Science)

000 : General
100 : Philosophy
200 : Religion
300 : Social Science
400 : Linguistics
500 : Basic Science
600 : Applied Science
700 : Art
800 : Literature
900 : Geography / Earth Science

Location: Circulation Service, 1st floor, L5 Building, Universitas Gadjah Mada Library

Reference Books

Reference collection consists of general and particular references, such as dictionaries, encyclopedia, directory, abstracts, indexes, manuals, annual reports, standards, patens, government publications, Presidential Decrees and government regulations, for onsite use only. Printing some materials in the collection is allowed.

Location: Reference Service, 1st floor of L6 Building, Universitas Gadjah Mada Library.


We provide collections published periodically in daily, weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, and annually. These include newspapers, magazines, journals and bulletins. Users can only read them in the library. Printing some materials in the collection is allowed.

Location: Reference Services, 1st floor of L6 building, Universitas Gadjah Mada Library.

Student papers, Theses & Dissertations

The collection of Theses and Dissertations contain students’ final projects of Vocational Schools (D3), Bachelor Degree (S1), Master Degree (S2), Doctoral Degree (S3) at Universitas Gadjah Mada. The entire collection is available in soft copy and for onsite use only from the available computer stations. There are approximately 64 computers that can be used to access this collection. Starting from June 2013, Theses and Dissertations and Student Papers are also available in soft copy. Users are allowed to print out certain chapters or pages in according to the library rules.

Location: Theses and Dissertations Service Building, 2nd floor L5 Building, Universitas Gadjah Mada Library.

Institutional Repository (Karya-Karya Ilmiah - KKI)

The collections of academic work at the UGM Library consists of collection of research publications, seminar proceedings, Professor inaugural speeches, research reports, etc. The KKI collection is for onsite use only but users can request to photocopy the items. The KKI collection is served in the KKI service room, 3rd floor of L5 Building, Universitas Gadjah Mada Library. Like the collection of periodicals and Theses/Dissertations, KKI collections are also available online and accessible for public through the UGM Repository.

Location: KKI service, 3rd floor, L5 Building, Universitas Gadjah Mada Library

Other collections
  1. World Bank Collection
  2. World Bank collection is a partnership collaboration between Universitas Gadjah Mada Library and the World Bank, Jakarta. The library receives the latest publications directly from the World Bank Headquarters in Washington DC. The World Bank Collection consists of World Bank publications, including Online Database Resources access, World Development Indicators Online, Global Development Indicators Online and World Bank Legal to obtain statistical data throughout the world and other online publications.

    Location: Windows of the World (WOW), 1st floor of L1 Building, Universitas Gadjah Mada Library.

  3. Hatta Collection and Rare Collection
  4. Hatta Collection and Rare Collection come from the personal collection of Mr. Mohammad Hatta (First Vice President of Indonesia) which was originally managed by Hatta Foundation. Hatta collection consists of books and journals in various languages in political, economic, social, literature, cultural, and educational fields.

    Based on the agreement between Universitas Gadjah Mada and Hatta Foundation number: 1898/P/KS/2006 on May 20, 2006 the management of Hatta Library was handed over to UGM library which subsequently became Hatta Corner.

    Location: Hatta Collection and Rare Collection, 3rd floor, Universitas Gadjah Mada Library.

Serving conditions of Hatta Collection and Rare Collection of UGM Library:

  1. Hatta Collection and Rare Collection are closed services; accessing and returning collections are handled by the library staff
  2. Hatta Collection and Rare Collection can only be read at the library and can not be borrowed
  3. Hatta Collection and Rare Collection in prone condition are stored in a special place and not to be served to users except for the digital version (if available)
  4. Digital versions can only be accessed at the library, not for downloading or copying
  5. Users who would like to read collections in prone condition but the digital version is not yet available can be served with special supervision
  6. Users must treat Hatta Collection and Rare Collection carefully