

The Enthusiasm of SMA Negeri 1 Simpang Pematang Visiting UGM Library and Archives

The UGM Library and Archives once again became a destination for educational inspiration. This time, 110 students and 10 teachers from SMA Negeri 1 Simpang Pematang made a special visit, which was warmly welcomed in the Seminar Room, Building L1, 2nd Floor, UGM Library and Archives.

Yunitasari, M.Pd., the Principal of SMA Negeri 1 Simpang Pematang, stated that the purpose of this visit was to enrich the students' knowledge, provide information, and inspire them about the UGM Library and Archives. Additionally, the participants gained insights into the UGM admission process, broadening their horizons toward higher education.

Wahyu Supriyanto, S.E., M.Si., Head of the Library Division at UGM, warmly welcomed the participants and expressed appreciation for their enthusiasm for learning. "We are delighted to share information and be part of your educational journey," he said.

This initiative is a tangible contribution by the UGM Library and Archives to supporting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: Quality Education, which emphasizes the importance of providing inclusive and equitable access to education for all.

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The session continued with presentations by Wasilatul Baroroh, S.S.I., Public Relations Staff, and Delta Ira Anggreanie, S.IP., Circulation Services Staff. They explained the various facilities and services offered by the UGM Library and provided guidance and motivation to help students gain confidence in achieving their dream universities.

The participants were actively involved, asking questions about the library facilities, tips for successful studies, and strategies for passing the UGM admission process. The lively interactions reflected their high level of enthusiasm throughout the event.

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This visit also served as concrete evidence of the collaboration between the UGM Library and Archives and SMA Negeri 1 Simpang Pematang, aligning with SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals. Through strategic partnerships like this, the UGM Library and Archives continue to bridge the gap between secondary and higher education, offering relevant insights to Indonesia's younger generation.

Contributor: Wasilatul Baroroh

LibSpeak#3 Webinar “Learning Good Practices from the AUNILO and TULLIP Programmes”

Friday, 17 January 2025, Universitas Gadjah Mada Library and Archives held a LibSpeak#3 Webinar with the theme “Learning Good Practices from the AUNILO and TULLIP Programmes”. This webinar presented two speakers, namely Wasilatul Baroroh, S.S.I and Delta Ira Anggreanie, S.IP. The first session was opened with a presentation by Wasilatul Baroroh, S.S.I, who explained in depth about the Higher Education Libraries participating in AUNILO. The speaker explained how this programme is a forum for collaboration between libraries in the ASEAN region to support the development of higher education.

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The second session continued with a discussion on the TULLIP Programme (Transforming University Libraries Leadership & Innovation Programme) by Delta Ira Anggreanie, S.IP and Wasilatul Baroroh, S.S.I. The speakers explained how TULLIP, initiated by NUS Libraries, became one of the strategic programmes to improve the leadership and innovation of university libraries, as well as bridging the gap between library professionals in ASEAN and other regions.

The event ended with an interactive discussion and Q&A session. The participants enthusiastically asked questions and shared their views on the topics discussed. This webinar is a valuable moment to broaden horizons and strengthen professional networks in the library field. With the success of this event, it is hoped that higher education libraries in Indonesia will be more motivated to adopt the best practices that have been presented in the webinar.

The LibSpeak#3 Webinar activity is in line with UGM's commitment to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 4: Quality Education. Through this webinar, UGM continues to encourage strengthening the role of libraries in supporting access to inclusive, quality, and sustainable education.

Contributor: Delta Ira Anggreanie

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Exploring Podcast Innovation: UGM Library and Archives Learn from FT UGM

In an effort to develop innovative and educational podcast content, several staff members of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Library and Archives visited the Faculty of Engineering (FT) UGM on Friday, January 17, 2025. The session was held in the Discussion Room on the 2nd floor of the FT UGM Library and was accompanied by the Head of the Data and Information Systems Division of the UGM Library and Archives, Yulistiarini Kumaraningrum, S.P., M.M.

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The visit aimed to gain insights and feedback from the FT UGM podcast team, who have extensive experience in podcast management. The FT UGM podcast team, consisting of Franky Argus Adiwena, S.T., Bagus Wijaya, S.I.P., Muhamad Naufal Fikri, S.T., and Mega Setyowati, shared valuable knowledge on podcast concepts, implementation stages, as well as the facilities and equipment required.

Muhamad Naufal Fikri emphasized the importance of crafting engaging and relevant content for listeners. “Podcasts are a flexible and highly effective medium for reaching a wider audience. The key is to have a strong narrative and continuously innovate to keep the content appealing to listeners,” he stated.

The podcast being developed by UGM Library and Archives is designed as a lifelong learning tool, aligning with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, which emphasizes quality education. This activity also reflects the library’s commitment to realizing SDG 17—partnerships for the goals—through collaborations with various stakeholders, including the FT UGM podcast team.

“This kind of sharing session is essential to ensure that the podcast we are developing is relevant and meaningful to the audience. We also hope to create a platform that supports interdisciplinary learning,” said Yulistiarini Kumaraningrum.

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This initiative serves as a strategic starting point for UGM Library and Archives to manage podcasts as a medium that delivers information, education, and inspiration to a broader audience. Additionally, this collaboration strengthens institutional partnerships within UGM, fostering innovations that benefit both the academic community and society.

Contributor: Wasilatul Baroroh

Enhancing Literacy Interest and Exploring Archival Knowledge: A Visit from SMK N 1 Cilacap and SMK N 1 Depok to UGM Library and Archives

Yogyakarta, January 16, 2025 – A total of 156 Office Management students from SMK Negeri 1 Cilacap and SMK Negeri 1 Depok visited the UGM Library and Archives to expand their knowledge of archival management and familiarize themselves with the library's facilities. This activity aimed to introduce students to the crucial role of libraries and archives as educational and research support resources.

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The Head of the UGM Library and Archives, Arif Surachman, SIP., M.B.A., warmly welcomed the students in the Seminar Room on the 2nd floor of the L1 Building, UGM Library and Archives. Representatives from both schools also expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to conduct their industrial visit activities.

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The event began with presentations by two expert speakers. Sarwono, S.IP., M.A., delivered a session on the role of libraries in supporting education and promoting literacy development. Meanwhile, Heri Santosa, S.ST.Ars., discussed the significance of archival management and the preservation of UGM’s historical documents managed by the Archival Division of UGM Library and Archives.

Following the presentations, participants were invited to tour the library facilities, including The Gade Creative Lounge (TGCL), the Rare Collection section, the Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) area, and the Discussion Rooms. These facilities are designed to support learning, research, and collaboration among students.

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On the archival side, participants were introduced to various facilities, such as the Cartography, Architectural, and Technical Drawing Archives Depot, the Audiovisual Archives Depot, the Media Conversion Room for Textual and Photo Archives, and the Photo Archive Maintenance area. Students also observed the preventive preservation process for photo archives.

Through this visit, it is hoped that students will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of libraries and archives in supporting their education and research. Additionally, the activity aims to inspire students to continue promoting literacy and archival preservation in the future.

Contributor: Nabiilah

UGM Staff Awarded TULLIP Fellowship at NUS Libraries, Singapore

Two staff members from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Library and Archives, Wasilatul Baroroh, S.S.I., and Delta Ira Anggreanie, S.IP., had the opportunity to participate in the prestigious Transforming University Libraries Leadership & Innovation Programme (TULLIP). The program, organized by NUS Libraries, was supported through full and partial scholarships. TULLIP took place over five days, from Monday, January 6, to Friday, January 10, 2025, at the Kent Ridge Campus, National University of Singapore (NUS). This initiative aims to enhance the leadership and innovation competencies of library professionals, particularly in addressing the challenges of the digital era.

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In this program, Universitas Gadjah Mada was one of the representatives from Indonesia, alongside Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau and Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. The program was attended by 30 participants from various countries, including Thailand, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Taiwan, China, Japan, the Philippines, and Singapore, making it an international forum rich in collaboration and idea exchange.

The program aims to bridge the gap between library professionals in the ASEAN region and beyond. TULLIP is specifically designed for professional librarians and other participants to establish networks with a broader academic community while gaining the skills and competencies necessary to support success in their respective institutions.

Participants gained in-depth experience in leadership, innovation, and modern library management. Additionally, they explored strategic topics such as transforming library services, adopting advanced technologies, and

managing data-driven information systems. The program provided opportunities for participants to expand their networks, share best practices, and build partnerships with fellow professionals worldwide.

TULLIP focuses not only on individual development but also on building an inclusive library community and a platform for knowledge exchange. Activities included workshops, seminars, and discussions. Participants were also encouraged to collaborate on library case studies to hone creative and innovative problem-solving skills.

In addition, participants were invited to tour the NUS Libraries, visiting the Medical+Science Library, ArtScience Museum, NUS Museum, Innovation and Design Hub, and University Town. These visits provided valuable insights into the integration of innovative design, cutting-edge technology, and cultural elements in modern library services.

The participation of UGM Library and Archives staff in TULLIP aligns with UGM's commitment to supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4: Quality Education and

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SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals. This program supports SDG 4 by enhancing education quality and learning through the development of librarians’ competencies. Meanwhile, SDG 17 is realized through international collaborations between educational institutions and libraries from various countries.

With a spirit of collaboration and innovation, the outcomes of this program are expected to support the transformation of UGM Library and Archives services into a more advanced digital era while strengthening its role in supporting inclusive and quality global education.

Contributor : Wasilatul Baroroh dan Delta Ira Anggreanie

Farewell to UGM Library and Archives Staff: Ending a Journey of Service with Cherished Memories

An atmosphere of warmth and heartfelt emotion filled the Seminar Room, L1 Building, 2nd Floor, UGM Library and Archives, on Tuesday, December 31, 2024. A farewell event was held to honor one of its senior staff members, Mrs. Marsetyo Wahyu Rudiningsih, affectionately known as Bu Meta, marking the end of her dedicated service spanning more than three decades at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).

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The event began with remarks from the Head of UGM Library and Archives, Arif Surachman, S.IP., M.B.A., who expressed profound gratitude for Bu Meta’s extraordinary dedication over the years. “Bu Meta has been an exemplary figure for all of us, embodying devotion, firmness, and loyalty to this institution. May her retirement be the beginning of a new chapter filled with happiness,” he said.

In her farewell speech, Bu Meta conveyed her gratitude and appreciation to her colleagues for their unwavering support and camaraderie throughout her career. “UGM has been a significant part of my life, and I am deeply grateful to have been part of this incredible journey,” she remarked.

Representatives from each division, including the Archive and Administration Division, the Library Division, and the Data and Information Systems Division, shared their impressions and messages for Bu Meta. The Korpagama group also extended their appreciation and prayers for her future endeavors.

As a token of appreciation, each division presented mementos to Bu Meta, beginning with the Archive and Administration Division, followed by the Library Division, the Data and Information Systems Division, and finally Korpagama. These gestures highlighted the profound impact of Bu Meta’s presence within UGM Library and Archives.

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The event concluded with a farewell session, where staff members took turns shaking hands with Bu Meta, offering their respects and well-wishes. The emotional atmosphere was palpable as colleagues shared heartfelt goodbyes, leaving behind fond memories that will be cherished forever.

This farewell aligns with SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being, emphasizing the importance of living a healthy and fulfilling life at every stage. The retirement marks not only the end of Bu Meta’s career at UGM but also the beginning of a new chapter, offering opportunities for personal well-being and happiness.

Congratulations on your retirement, Bu Meta. May you be blessed with health, happiness, and prosperity in every step of your new journey!

Kontributor: Wasilatul Baroroh

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2024 Reflection of UGM Library and Archives: Paving New Steps Toward Quality Services

Ending the year with a spirit of reflection and evaluation, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Library and Archives held the 2024 Year-End Reflection event on Tuesday, December 31, 2024. The event took place in the Seminar Room, 2nd Floor, L1 Building, and was attended by several staff members of UGM Library and Archives. This event served as an important moment to evaluate achievements, challenges, and strategic directions for the upcoming year.

Led by the Management Team, the reflection session was designed as an interactive forum for all staff to express complaints, suggestions, and feedback to advance the institution. Arif Surachman, S.IP., M.B.A., Head of UGM Library and Archives, emphasized the importance of collaboration and communication in building better services. "We want to hear directly from the staff about what can be improved. By sharing ideas, we can jointly propel UGM Library and Archives to become more advanced and relevant," he stated.

A variety of suggestions emerged during the discussion, ranging from proposals to improve facilities to the organization of sharing sessions among staff to enhance skills. These initiatives are expected to strengthen the delivery of quality services and support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: Quality Education. Additionally, staff also proposed activities that promote healthy and prosperous living, aligning with SDG 3.

Safirotu Khoir, Ph.D., Coordinator of Public Relations and International Affairs, added a specific encouragement for staff to continue contributing academically through writing. "UGM Library and Archives staff must actively write because UGM is a prominent institution whose works are eagerly awaited by other organizations," she emphasized.

This reflection activity marked a significant moment to reaffirm a shared commitment to improving service quality, fostering synergy among staff, and creating impactful innovations for UGM’s academic community and the wider public. With a spirit of evaluation and improvement, UGM Library and Archives is ready to step into 2025 with a refreshed vision and optimism.

Contributor: Wasilatul Baroroh

Happy New Year: Thank You, 2024 – Welcome, 2025

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2024 has passed and brought many changes to UGM Library and Archives. A variety of activities, from adding new service facilities, launching new collections, to hosting workshops and seminars, have enriched knowledge and supported academic research.

Welcome, 2025! We are ready to embrace the new year with renewed enthusiasm to continue innovating and collaborating, delivering excellent services with greater achievements for a brighter future.

Thank you for your support throughout 2024!

From Discussion to Inspiration: One UPH Library Visits UGM Library and Archives

UGM Library and Archives once again welcomed a visit from the One Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Library on Friday, December 20, 2024. Led by Dhama Gustiar Baskoro, Manager of One UPH Library, the visit took place in the Archives Meeting Room, L7 Building, 2nd floor. This visit aimed to strengthen interlibrary relations through dynamic discussions and the exchange of innovative insights.

The meeting was filled with enthusiasm. The Head of UGM Library and Archives, Arif Surachman, S.IP., M.B.A., along with the Head of the Library Division, Wahyu Supriyanto, S.E., M.Si., and the library team warmly welcomed the delegation. Interactive discussions between the two parties explored strategic topics, including collection management, user services, library accreditation, repositories, and information literacy.

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“We deeply appreciate this visit from One UPH Library. Moments like these help strengthen collaboration and open opportunities for mutual learning and innovation to deliver the best services to library users,” said Arif Surachman, S.IP., M.B.A., with enthusiasm.

The agenda became even more engaging as the delegation was invited to tour the key facilities of UGM Library and Archives. The first destination was TGCL, a comfortable and modern co-working space. They also visited Lawang Sajarah, a room showcasing rare collections rich in cultural and historical value, a podcast room as a digital literacy innovation, and the circulation area, which serves as the center for borrowing and returning library materials.

Dhama Gustiar Baskoro expressed his admiration for the facilities and innovations at UGM Library. “UGM Library has provided extraordinary inspiration. We have gained many fresh ideas that we can learn from and adapt to improve our library services,” he stated.

This visit not only served as a strategic step to strengthen interlibrary relations but also supported the advancement of higher education in Indonesia. Furthermore, the event reflected a shared commitment to contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4: Quality Education and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

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SDG 4: Quality Education emphasizes ensuring inclusive and equitable access to quality education while promoting lifelong learning opportunities. Through discussions on collection management, repositories, and information literacy, both libraries aimed to enhance access to educational resources, particularly within the realm of higher education.

Meanwhile, SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals underscores the importance of global collaboration and inter-organizational cooperation to achieve sustainable development targets. This meeting became a tangible manifestation of that partnership spirit, fostering the exchange of experiences and innovative ideas that can be implemented in each institution to achieve shared goals.

With a collaborative spirit brimming with enthusiasm, UGM Library and Archives and One UPH Library aim to produce innovations that align with contemporary needs, support higher education development, and create a meaningful impact on education in Indonesia.

Contributor: Wasilatul Baroroh

Election of UGM Librarians Forum Chair 2025-2027: A New Spirit for Developing Quality Libraries

On Friday, December 20, 2024, the rooftop of the UGM Library and Archives witnessed an important moment for the UGM librarians. The election of the Chairperson of the UGM Librarians Forum for the 2025-2027 period took place with great enthusiasm. Attended by a number of librarians within UGM, this event served as a strategic platform for selecting a leader who will take the Librarians Forum to a more innovative and progressive direction.

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The event began with a report on the activities of the Forum Pustakawan for the year 2024, presented by Dr. Purwani Istiana. The report covered various achievements and activities of the Forum Pustakawan, highlighting the ongoing efforts to improve the quality of library services at UGM. Next, the Head of UGM Library and Archives, Arif Surachman, S.IP., M.B.A., expressed appreciation for the enthusiasm and commitment of UGM librarians in supporting the development of the library.

Following the opening session, the event continued with a sharing session by Safirotu Khoir, Ph.D., who discussed the development and innovations of libraries in Singapore (National University Singapore, Singapore Management University dan National Library Board) and Malaysia (University of Malaya). In this session, participants were introduced to various models of university and public libraries in Singapore and Malaysia that have successfully provided inclusive and high-quality services. The knowledge and insights gained were intended to inspire UGM librarians in improving library services. This aligns with SDG 4, which focuses on ensuring inclusive, equitable, and quality education, as well as increasing learning opportunities for all throughout life. Participants appeared eager to listen to the insights and experiences shared.

After the inspiring sharing session, the event continued with the election of the Chairperson of the UGM Librarians Forum for the 2025-2027 period. The election process was tight, with fierce competition among the candidates. In the end, Maniso Mustar, S.I.Pust. was successfully elected as the new Chairperson of the UGM Librarians Forum for the 2025-2027 period.

"Congratulations to Mas Maniso on being elected as the new Chairperson of the UGM Librarians Forum. We hope this mandate will be carried out well, bringing the UGM Librarians Forum closer together, and actively contributing to the development of libraries at UGM," said Ratna, one of the UGM librarians, offering congratulations.

This election reflects the spirit of democracy and unity among UGM librarians. With the new leadership, the UGM Librarians Forum can continue to be a space for collaboration and innovation that supports the library’s mission to provide the best services to the academic community.

The event concluded with a friendly gathering filled with warmth. This moment helped strengthen the bond of camaraderie among the librarians and provided space for mutual support and collaboration to achieve common goals. The sense of togetherness at the end of the event further strengthened the commitment of all parties to continue innovating and contributing to improving the quality of library services at UGM.

Contributor: Wasilatul Baroroh