Yogyakarta, July 23, 2024 – The Library and Archives of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) proudly received a visit from librarians of State Islamic University (UIN) Imam Bonjol Padang, UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, and UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. This visit took place on the 2nd floor of the UGM Archives Building and aimed at benchmarking library services, digitization development, and library management optimization.
The event began with a warm welcome from the Head of the UGM Library and Archives, Arif Surachman, S.IP., M.B.A., followed by a presentation by the Head of the UGM Library, Wahyu Supriyanto, S.E., M.Si. The presented materials covered essential topics regarding the UGM Library and Archives, which were enthusiastically received by the visiting participants. The ensuing two-way discussions affirmed the commitment of all parties to improving the quality of library services.

This visit not only served as a platform for knowledge and experience exchange but also strengthened inter-institutional collaboration, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4 and 17. SDG 4, which focuses on quality education, was reflected through efforts to improve library services and better access to information. Meanwhile, SDG 17, which emphasizes partnerships to achieve goals, was evident from the collaborative spirit during this visit.

The event concluded with the presentation of souvenirs and a group photo session. The participants also had the opportunity to take a library tour to several rooms in the UGM Library and Archives, including the archive room and the rare collections room (Hatta Corner).
This visit is seen as a stepping stone in enhancing the quality of library and archive management in Indonesia, as well as strengthening cooperation among libraries to achieve sustainable development goals.
Contributor: Listia Dewi Amaliawati