UGM Library Proves Its Quality by Achieving Excellent Accreditation

Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Library has again recorded a brilliant achievement by achieving an excellent accreditation score, which is valid until July 31, 2029. This achievement is a clear proof of the quality and commitment of the library in providing excellent services and quality facilities for the academic community.

The accreditation process, which was held on 25-26 July 2024, was led by the Director of Standardization and Accreditation of the National Library, Drs. Supriyanto, M.Si. with members Mariyah, S.Sos., M.Hum and Alfi Noor Afridyan, SIP. The assessment was carried out on 9 important components, namely Collection, Facilities and Infrastructure, Services, Staff, Organization, Library Management, Innovation and Creativity, Reading Level, and Community Literacy Development Index.

This success cannot be separated from the careful preparation carried out by the accreditation team led by the Head of Library Division, Wahyu Supriyanto, S.E., M.Si. The team has prepared the documents carefully and meticulously, so that the accreditation visitation process runs smoothly and successfully, which ultimately resulted in brilliant results with an extraordinary total score of 95,31.

The success of UGM Library in achieving excellent accreditation is a reflection of the dedication and hard work of all parties to support the implementation of quality education in accordance with the 4th Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This success also strengthens the position of UGM Library as a leading library and a role model for other libraries in Indonesia.

Congratulations to UGM Library for this proud achievement! Hopefully this achievement becomes a foundation to continue to improve service quality and become a motivation in developing new innovations to support quality education.

Contributor: Wasilatul Baroroh
