Studying Urban and Regional Planning at the Faculty of Engineering Library, UGM

The Faculty of Engineering Library at UGM plays an active role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by supporting quality education and the development of sustainable cities and communities.

Yogyakarta, 15/05/2024 - The Faculty of Engineering Library at UGM plays an active role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Goals 4 and 11, which emphasize quality education and the development of sustainable cities and communities. This is realized through the provision of literature that supports learning in the Urban and Regional Planning Study Program.

In carrying out this mission, the Faculty of Engineering Library at UGM has become a vital center of knowledge by providing relevant and up-to-date literature that integrates principles of sustainable development. Students, faculty members, researchers, and public in need of comprehensive information regarding urban and regional planning can visit the Faculty of Engineering Library at UGM. This enables them to deepen their understanding of sustainable development concepts and apply them in practical contexts.

urban and regional planning 1

In addition to being an information resource provider, the UGM Faculty of Engineering Library also supports SDGS by facilitating collaboration and exchange of ideas between students, lecturers, and the general public. By providing access to literature, journals, and references related to environmentally friendly urban and regional planning, the library becomes a place where innovative ideas can be developed, discussions can take place, and solutions to the challenges of sustainable urban development can be sought together.

Some titles of literature about urban and regional planning that available at the UGM Faculty of Engineering Library include:

book 1

1. Title: Pengantar Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota
Author: Achmad Djuanaedi

book 2

2. Judul: Pengantar & Penjelasan Perencanaan Kota Komprehensif
Pengarang: Melville C. Branch

book 3

3. Judul: Teori dan Penerapan Perencanaan Kota Secara Terpadu
Pengarang: Markus Zahnd

book 4

4. Judul: Proses Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota
Pengarang: Achmad Djuanaedi

With the availability of this literature, it is hoped that it can be used and useful for user. Through active involvement of students, researchers, practitioners, and the general public, it is hoped that better, more environmentally friendly, and sustainable cities will be created for the future. By continuously engaging various stakeholders and strengthening synergy between education, research, and practice, the Faculty of Engineering Library at UGM will continue to be a key pillar in realizing the vision of SDGs Goals 4 and 11.

(Contributor: Nur Kusumaning Ati)