Mini Class Information Literacy: Small Steps, Big Impact in Utilizing Information Resources

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On Tuesday, October 15, 2024, UGM Library and Archives held another Information Literacy Mini Class at the WOW meeting room. This session provides special training on the introduction of information resources (e-resources) and their utilization, designed to assist the UGM academic community in accessing digital scientific literature from various trusted sources.


Participants get an in-depth understanding of how to search for information from sources subscribed to by UGM, as well as other alternative sources available. With the guidance of experienced librarians, this training is able to optimize the ability of users to access quality information resources that support their research and academic studies.

Since its launch in June 2023, the Information Literacy Mini Class initiated by Janu Saptari, S.IP., UGM associate librarian, continues to receive great attention from students and lecturers. With a class concept limited to fifteen participants per session, this activity is designed to be more private, effective, and complete in addressing the problems faced by the users.

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This class not only teaches how to access scientific literature but also introduces participants to the use of artificial intelligence-based applications in searching for scientific information, using Reference Manager, and managing and mapping local and global research results. With practical materials and competent tutors, participants are invited to maximize the information resources subscribed to by UGM.

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Information Literacy Mini Class is an effective solution for improving digital literacy and information management in the UGM academic community. Furthermore, this program contributes significantly to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially point 4: Quality Education, by ensuring all students and lecturers have adequate access to quality scientific literature.

With this small step, UGM Library and Archives proves that improving the quality of education can start from small meeting rooms, resulting in a big sustainable impact.

Contributor: Wasilatul Baroroh