Lively Discussion Reveals Secrets of Scientific Reference Research

Yogyakarta, July 29, 2024 – Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Library and Archives received a visit from the administrators and graduate students of Cendrawasih University, led by Prof. Dr. Drs. Akbar Silo, MS, for a discussion on scientific reference searching. The event, held in the Archive Meeting Room, UGM Library and Archives, Building L6, 2nd floor, was attended by the Head of the Library Division, the Public Relations Coordinator, the Help Desk, the WOW Service, and the Coordinator of Reference Services and Periodicals.

The event began with welcoming remarks from the Director of the Graduate Program at Cendrawasih University, Prof. Dr. Drs. Akbar Silo, MS, and the Head of the UGM Library and Archives, Wahyu Supriyanto, S.E., M.Si. This was followed by a presentation by Janu Saptari, SIP, a librarian from the Periodicals and Reference Services at the UGM Library and Archives. He presented various strategies and techniques for scientific reference searching from the UGM Library and Archives, aiming to enhance the participants' skills in finding and managing scientific information. As part of the excellent services at the UGM Library and Archives,

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the Individual Academic Consultation (IAC) service was explained by Safirotu Khoir, PhD, the Public Relations Coordinator and also the supervisor of the IAC Service. Students were given the opportunity to share individually about the challenges they face in academic and personal fields.

The event continued with a library tour to the ETD service area and book borrowing section, followed by a group photo session. This event is part of Gadjah Mada University's efforts to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by continuously fostering collaboration and improving the quality of education through the exchange of knowledge and experiences with other educational institutions.

Contributor: Ane Tefvy Styorini