Getting Closer to Academic Culture at UGM Library: User Education for INCULS Students

The UGM Library and Archives organized a User Education event for the Indonesia Language and Culture Learning Service (INCULS) Program of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM, on Wednesday, 4 September 2024. This event was part of the learning process, introducing students to Indonesian language and culture by familiarizing them with the activities and routines of the UGM Library and Archives.

Seven INCULS students, along with two mentors, participated in the event. They received an introduction to the UGM Library in the WOW Meeting Room, delivered by Dr. Safirotu Khoir, Coordinator of Public Relations and International Affairs. The session covered information about the library's services, facilities, and various functions that support academic activities.

Following the introduction, the participants took part in a library tour guided for introduced to the library's facilities and services, including the book collections, reading rooms, and digital services that support research and learning activities.

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This event aligns with the fourth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), Quality Education. Through the User Education program, students can better utilize the resources and facilities at the UGM Library to support a higher quality of education.

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By participating in this event, INCULS students gained a deeper understanding and firsthand experience of how libraries in Indonesia play a role in supporting education and how they form a crucial part of their language and culture learning journey.

Contributor: Wasilatul Baroroh