Efforts to Prevent Non-Communicable Diseases through Posbindu-PTM

The Library and Archives of Universitas Gadjah Mada held an Integrated Non-Communicable Disease Management Post (Posbindu PTM) event on Friday, June 28, 2024, in the lobby of the UGM Library and Archives Building. This event was part of the series of activities for the 1st Anniversary of the UGM Library and Archives.

The Posbindu activity, aimed at the entire UGM academic community, aligns with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 3: Good Health and Well-being. To ensure its success, the UGM Library and Archives collaborated with the Health Promoting University (HPU) and the UGM Integrated Health Bureau. This Posbindu activity was also supported by the UGM Academic Hospital and the Gadjah Mada Medical Centre.

The Posbindu activities involve monitoring and early detection of risk factors for non-communicable diseases. This initiative has been ongoing in Indonesia since 2002. The event was attended by the leaders and staff of the UGM Library and Archives, members of the librarian forum, members of

forsipagama, part-time students, and cleaning service staff.

The Posbindu PTM organized consisted of five series of activities that participants had to undergo: height, weight, and Body Mass Index (BMI) measurements; blood pressure and waist circumference checks; cholesterol, blood sugar, and uric acid tests; nutritional consultations; and mental health consultations.

The purpose of this event was to enhance the productivity and quality of the campus community. This initiative aimed to promote healthy behaviors among lecturers, educational staff, and students so that they can become more productive and high-quality individuals. Efforts to increase health awareness on campus also support the implementation of SDGs point 4: Quality Education.

The Posbindu PTM event was first opened with speeches from Arif Surachman, SIP., M.B.A., Head of the Library and Archives; Prof. Dra. Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Si., Ph.D., Head of the Department of Health Behavior, Environment, and Social Medicine/Chair of HPU UGM; and Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, S.S., M.Hum., DEA, Vice-Rector for Education and Teaching at UGM.

In line with SDGs point 3, this event is expected to ensure the health of the entire campus community.

“As the head of HPU, I am pleased that this Posbindu has been successfully implemented in several faculties and units, including the library. Please continue these activities. The hope is that this initiative will keep the campus community healthy and continue to maintain their health until the end of their tenure” said Prof. Yayi, Chair of HPU, in her speech.

The health aspects prioritized in this activity are not only to support SDG goal 3 but also to promote positive and beneficial activities for the academic community of UGM.

“Health aspects are crucial, so please continue to prioritize them and ensure strong promotion of these activities” Prof. Wening emphasized in her opening remarks.

The event ended with health checks conducted in an orderly manner according to the HPU activity sequence until completion. The existence of this activity is expected to serve as a positive breakthrough in continuously improving and maintaining health.

Contributor: Nisa Asfiya Husna
