

Opening of Gadjah Mada Library and Archives Fair: Strengthening Literacy and Partnerships for SDGs

Here’s the Library Event That Will Keep You Glued to Your Seat! Discover What’s Happening at GMLAF 2024

The Gadjah Mada Library and Archives Fair (GMLAF) officially opened on Monday, August 19, 2024, as part of the first Dies Natalis celebration of the Library and Archives at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). This four-day event, running from August 19 to 22, 2024, at the UGM Library and Archives, showcases a range of exciting activities that blend literacy, history, and student creativity, all in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4 on quality education and SDG 17 on partnerships for achieving goals.

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The opening of GMLAF began with a report from the Dies Natalis Chair, Sarwono, S.IP., M.A., who detailed the various activities held since March 2024 as part of this anniversary celebration. In his report, Sarwono emphasized the crucial role of libraries and archives in supporting educational sustainability and knowledge preservation.

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Following this, the Head of the UGM Library and Archives, Arif Surachman, S.IP., MBA, gave a speech highlighting the library’s contribution to SDG 17, which focuses on partnerships for achieving goals. "We aim to present a series of events with a specific theme that includes elements of libraries, archives, and museums," he stated.

To mark the official opening of the event, Arif Surachman, together with the Head of the UGM Museum, Dr. Tjahjono Prasodjo, M.A., performed a symbolic ribbon-cutting ceremony. The opening event was attended by faculty library heads, library directors from Yogyakarta, and bazaar participants.

The GMLAF activities include a book bazaar, culinary delights, plants, and student creativity, as well as exhibitions of libraries, archives, and museums. The exhibition explores the historical journey and transformation of the Community Service Program (KKN).

GMLAF represents a key moment in strengthening the role of libraries and archives as centers of literacy and in building strategic partnerships that support sustainable development. Through GMLAF, the UGM Library and Archives is committed to supporting SDG 4 by providing credible information sources at the book bazaar and SDG 17 by enhancing strategic partnerships through the event’s various collaborations.

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Contributor: Wasilatul Baroroh

Exploring UGM Library Facilities: New Students Introduced to the World of the Library with Interactive Sessions and Exclusive Tour!

On Thursday, August 8, 2024, a group of new students from the UGM Religious Studies and Intercultural Studies program participated in a User Education event at the UGM Library. The event began with an informative presentation by Safirotu Khoir, Ph.D., Coordinator of Public Relations and International Affairs at the UGM Library and Archives. She provided a comprehensive overview of the various facilities and services available at the UGM Library, highlighting how students can utilize the library to support their studies and research. She emphasized the crucial role of the library in enhancing the teaching and learning process at UGM, particularly in creating an inclusive and innovative academic ecosystem.

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Following the presentation, Wasilatul Baroroh, S.S.I., led a demonstration on searching for electronic resources (e-resources) subscribed to by the UGM Library. New students were introduced to various search features that can help them access journals, e-books, and other academic resources online. Additionally, she explained how to use the library menu in Simaster, ensuring that new students can easily and efficiently access academic information.

The event became even more interactive with a Q&A session, allowing new students to ask questions about library services and facilities. Afterward, they were taken on a library tour, exploring various rooms within the UGM Library. The tour offered students an opportunity to become more familiar with the available facilities, from book collections to comfortable reading areas.

This library introduction event aims to ensure that new students can make the most of the available facilities to support their learning process. The event also aligns with UGM’s commitment to delivering high-quality education, in accordance with SDG 4, which seeks to ensure inclusive, equitable, and quality education for all.

Contributor: Wasilatul Baroroh

Synergy with Universitas Bangka Belitung Library

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The Library and Archives of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in collaboration with the Library Unit (UPA) of Universitas Bangka Belitung (UBB) held a discussion on cooperation on Thursday (1/8) in the Meeting Room of Building L6, Library and Archives of UGM. The discussion on the cooperation document was attended by the Library and Archives Management Team and two participants from the UBB Library Unit.

The Head of the Library and Archives, Arif Surachman, SIP., M.B.A., stated that this cooperation should be mutually beneficial. "We hope this cooperation will serve as a guideline in defining what we are entitled to implement, including the rights of each party," he explained.

Arif mentioned that this is the first collaboration with the UBB Library Unit. The cooperation to be carried out by UGM's Library and Archives and UBB's Library Unit includes implementing collaborative programs in library services and resources.

On this occasion, Arif emphasized that his party is opening opportunities for UBB to access library services at UGM. "The cooperation needs to be clarified on whether the agreed library services and resources facilitation will be utilized by the entire academic community of UBB."

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Meanwhile, Muhammad Jumnahdi, S.T., M.T., as the head of UBB's Library Unit, who was present with Arja Kusuma, SIP, the First Librarian at UBB, stated that they are committed to maintaining this good cooperation. "We chose UGM because we see that the services here have developed rapidly. We hope our academic community can also enjoy facilities like digital resources here," he explained.

Contributor: Nabiilah

Lively Discussion Reveals Secrets of Scientific Reference Research

Yogyakarta, July 29, 2024 – Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Library and Archives received a visit from the administrators and graduate students of Cendrawasih University, led by Prof. Dr. Drs. Akbar Silo, MS, for a discussion on scientific reference searching. The event, held in the Archive Meeting Room, UGM Library and Archives, Building L6, 2nd floor, was attended by the Head of the Library Division, the Public Relations Coordinator, the Help Desk, the WOW Service, and the Coordinator of Reference Services and Periodicals.

The event began with welcoming remarks from the Director of the Graduate Program at Cendrawasih University, Prof. Dr. Drs. Akbar Silo, MS, and the Head of the UGM Library and Archives, Wahyu Supriyanto, S.E., M.Si. This was followed by a presentation by Janu Saptari, SIP, a librarian from the Periodicals and Reference Services at the UGM Library and Archives. He presented various strategies and techniques for scientific reference searching from the UGM Library and Archives, aiming to enhance the participants' skills in finding and managing scientific information. As part of the excellent services at the UGM Library and Archives,

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the Individual Academic Consultation (IAC) service was explained by Safirotu Khoir, PhD, the Public Relations Coordinator and also the supervisor of the IAC Service. Students were given the opportunity to share individually about the challenges they face in academic and personal fields.

The event continued with a library tour to the ETD service area and book borrowing section, followed by a group photo session. This event is part of Gadjah Mada University's efforts to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by continuously fostering collaboration and improving the quality of education through the exchange of knowledge and experiences with other educational institutions.

Contributor: Ane Tefvy Styorini

UIN Librarians Visit UGM Library and Archives: Secret Strategies to Enhance Library Quality Unveiled!

Yogyakarta, July 23, 2024 – The Library and Archives of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) proudly received a visit from librarians of State Islamic University (UIN) Imam Bonjol Padang, UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, and UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. This visit took place on the 2nd floor of the UGM Archives Building and aimed at benchmarking library services, digitization development, and library management optimization.

The event began with a warm welcome from the Head of the UGM Library and Archives, Arif Surachman, S.IP., M.B.A., followed by a presentation by the Head of the UGM Library, Wahyu Supriyanto, S.E., M.Si. The presented materials covered essential topics regarding the UGM Library and Archives, which were enthusiastically received by the visiting participants. The ensuing two-way discussions affirmed the commitment of all parties to improving the quality of library services.

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This visit not only served as a platform for knowledge and experience exchange but also strengthened inter-institutional collaboration, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4 and 17. SDG 4, which focuses on quality education, was reflected through efforts to improve library services and better access to information. Meanwhile, SDG 17, which emphasizes partnerships to achieve goals, was evident from the collaborative spirit during this visit.

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The event concluded with the presentation of souvenirs and a group photo session. The participants also had the opportunity to take a library tour to several rooms in the UGM Library and Archives, including the archive room and the rare collections room (Hatta Corner).

This visit is seen as a stepping stone in enhancing the quality of library and archive management in Indonesia, as well as strengthening cooperation among libraries to achieve sustainable development goals.

Contributor: Listia Dewi Amaliawati

Captivating Performance by Pustaka Laras at the 57th Dies Natalis Philosophy Festival

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In the vibrant celebration of the 57th Dies Natalis of the Faculty of Philosophy, the Library and Archives of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) joined in the festivities of the Karawitan Festival. Held on Saturday and Sunday, July 20-21, 2024, the event showcased various karawitan groups from UGM’s different units as well as various communities from the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

One standout performance was by Pustaka Laras, the Karawitan Group from the Library and Archives of UGM. They performed the traditional song “Ladrang Ondhe-Ondhe Semarang dan Lelagon Jahe Wana” which received a warm reception from the audience. This performance not only provided entertainment but also carried deep significance in supporting the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, which includes the preservation of cultural heritage and nature, realized here through the art of karawitan. In addition to this, the Karawitan cultural performance is a manifestation of the implementation of ongoing cultural education, in line with SDG 4, which is Quality Education (cultural).

The Karawitan Festival served as a platform for the UGM academic community to demonstrate their commitment to preserving local culture through traditional music. By participating in this festival, Pustaka Laras reminds us of the rich cultural heritage of Indonesia that must be continuously preserved and cherished.

Through this event, the Library and Archives of UGM showcase their dedication to supporting Sustainable Development Goals and the preservation of cultural heritage. This spirit can inspire various parties to better appreciate and safeguard Indonesia’s cultural wealth for a brighter future.

Contributor: Wasilatul Baroroh

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Innovation Competition to Encourage Creativity and Service Development

Yogyakarta, 18 July 2024 - The Library and Archives of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) proudly announce the winners of the Innovation Competition for Librarians and Archivists as part of the UGM Library and Archives Dies Natalis 2024. The competition, held from May 13 to July 5, 2024, featured innovative contests aimed at librarians, archivists, and library users within UGM to support the Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program through innovations in providing student-centered learning facilities.

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The innovations developed in this competition included the creation of videos showcasing the excellent services in the UGM Library and Archives, promoting the UGM Library and Archives services, and digital creative content. This competition provided challenges and opportunities for librarians, archivists, and library users within UGM to develop creativity and innovation in delivering excellent services.

The judging process was conducted by Arif Surachman, SIP, MBA, Head of the UGM Library and Archives, and Wisaksono Adi from InaHealth FKKMK UGM. Based on the judging results, here are the winners in each category:

Category: Outstanding Service Innovation in the UGM Library and Archives:

  1. 1st Place: Team FKKMK
  2. 2nd Place: Team FEB
  3. 3rd Place: Team Faculty of Geography

Category: Library and Archives Promotion:

  1. 1st Place: Adhika Pramudhia Kirana
  2. 2nd Place: Wulan Kusumaning Yuli & Dewi Amalia
  3. 3rd Place: Endah Choiriyah

Category: Digital Creative Content:

  1. 1st Place: Oktaviana Dwi Prastika
  2. 2nd Place: Nefertiti Aurelia Fadiahaya & Nur Kusumaning Ati
  3. 3rd Place: Manda Rahma Cyntia

The winning videos can be viewed on the Universitas Gadjah Mada Library YouTube channel. Through these videos, viewers can witness the extraordinary innovations carried out by the librarians, archivists, and library users within UGM. These videos showcase various outstanding services developed and provide insights into how these services can assist library users and the community in accessing information and reading materials.

The competition is expected to contribute to fostering reading interest and literacy in the community, thereby achieving quality education in line with the 4th SDG goal.

Contributor: Wasilatul Baroroh

Behind the Scenes: UGM Library and Archives’ Efforts to Preserve Rare Collections

The Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Library and Archives hosted a rare collection preservation training on Monday, July 15, 2024, in the Archives Preservation Room. This training was led by the UGM Archives Preservation Team and attended by several librarians from the UGM Library and Archives.

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This training aims to support the program for the preservation of the physical form of rare collections owned by the UGM Library and Archives, so that these collections can remain maintained and used for a longer period. This step is part of the UGM Library and Archives' efforts to achieve the fourth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), which is quality education. In line with this goal, this activity also aligns with the 17th SDG, which is partnerships to achieve the goals. The UGM Library and Archives are committed to continuously strengthening inter-professional collaboration to achieve these objectives.

During the training, librarians were taught laminating techniques and methods, from making glue to the lamination process itself. Lamination is the process of covering paper with Japanese tissue to protect it from external factors that cause damage. It is hoped that with the knowledge and skills gained from this training, librarians will make significant contributions to preserving the cultural and intellectual heritage held by UGM Library and Archives.

The training is expected to be the first step in a series of preservation efforts for rare collections at UGM. With the capabilities and knowledge gained from this training, librarians are anticipated to contribute more to safeguarding the cultural and intellectual heritage of the UGM Library and Archives.

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The UGM Library and Archives continues to strive to enhance the quality of its services and collections. This preservation training is a tangible demonstration of that commitment, as well as a strategic step in supporting quality education in Indonesia.

Contributor: Wasilatul Baroroh

Cultural Heritage in Our Hands: UGM National Seminar Highlights Vital Role of Libraries, Archives, and Museums in Supporting SDGs

In commemoration of its first anniversary, Gadjah Mada University Library and Archives held a National Seminar titled "The Role of Libraries, Archives, and Museums in Preserving National Cultural Heritage and Supporting Sustainable Development Goals" on Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 09.00 AM WIB. Speakers included experts in library management, museum administration, and archiving. The seminar took place at the Seminar Room, L7 Building, 2nd Floor, Gadjah Mada University Library and Archives.

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The seminar commenced with welcoming remarks from Arif Surachman, S.IP., M.B.A., Head of Library and Archives, and keynote speaker Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, S.S., M.Hum., DEA, Vice Rector for Education and Academic Affairs. They emphasized the crucial role of libraries, archives, and museums in preserving cultural heritage and achieving SDGs.

The event featured three distinguished speakers who shared insights on the importance of cultural preservation aligned with SDGs. The first speaker, Wina Erwina, M.A., Ph.D., Head of Knowledge Management Center at Universitas Padjadjaran, presented on "The Role of Libraries in Cultural Preservation and Supporting SDGs." Dr. Erwina highlighted the pivotal role of libraries in safeguarding cultural heritage and promoting lifelong learning, essential for SDG 4: Quality Education. She discussed various initiatives by libraries to digitize and preserve cultural artifacts for broader accessibility, stressing the importance of collaborations with cultural institutions to enhance these efforts.

The second speaker, Dra. Djaliati Sri Nugrahani, M.A., Chairperson of UGM Museum Management, delivered a presentation on "The Role of Museums in Preserving National Cultural Heritage and Supporting SDGs." She explained how museums serve as guardians of cultural heritage, providing educational resources and fostering identity and continuity within communities. Dra. Nugrahani also discussed the role of museums in promoting sustainable tourism, aligning with SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, by attracting visitors and educating them about cultural heritage, thereby contributing to local economies and sustainable development.

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The third speaker, Waluyo, S.S., M.Hum, Chair of the Archives and Information Records Management Program at UGM Vocational School, presented on "The Role of Higher Education Archives in Preserving National Cultural Heritage and Supporting SDGs". He underscored the importance of sound archiving practices in preserving historical records essential for research and education. Mr. Waluyo highlighted the need for higher education institutions to invest in modern archival technologies and training programs to ensure the sustainability and accessibility of cultural records. He also emphasized the role of archives in supporting SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions by maintaining transparent and accountable records. In his presentation, he stressed the significance of cultural heritage preservation as a means to support sustainable cities and communities, central to SDG 11. He underscored that higher education archive institutions play a crucial role in documenting and safeguarding cultural artifacts, historical records, and other essential materials reflecting the cultural identity of the nation.

The seminar concluded with a lively panel discussion, where speakers addressed audience questions and shared additional insights into challenges and opportunities in cultural preservation. The event was attended by academics, students, and professionals from various cultural and educational institutions.

UGM Library and Archives hopes that this seminar will inspire further collaboration and innovation in cultural preservation, contributing to the achievement of SDGs. The event emphasized the importance of integrating cultural heritage preservation into broader development agendas, ensuring that future generations can enjoy and appreciate our rich cultural heritage.

Contributor: Farah Zayyinah Faiqotulhimmah

Polish Diplomat Brings Treasure Trove of Books to UGM Library and Archives: See What’s Given!

The Polish Embassy for Indonesia gifts valuable books to UGM Library and Archives, enriching collections and bolstering global literacy.

Yogyakarta, July 8, 2024 - In a meeting brimming with literary spirit and international friendship, the Library and Archives of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) received an honorable visit from Piotr Firlus, Counsellor, Head of Political and Economic Section of the Polish Embassy for Indonesia. In a warmly welcoming atmosphere, Arif Surachman, S.IP., M.B.A., Head of UGM Library and Archives, along with Safirotu Khoir, Ph.D., Coordinator of Public Relations and International Affairs, and Erna Widayati, S.E., M.M. as the Head of the Archives Department, warmly welcomed the Polish diplomat. This wasn’t just an ordinary visit, Piotr Firlus came to present a valuable donation of books that will enrich UGM Library’s collection and provide new insights into Poland for readers.

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The donated books include:

  1. Polish Language for Beginners: A practical guide for those eager to learn Polish from scratch.
  2. Poland for Beginners: An introductory book detailing the history, culture, and modern life in Poland.
  3. Jozef Zwierzycki: Expert Geologist of the Indonesian Archipelago and Poland: A work depicting the contributions of a Polish geologist to the study of the Indonesian archipelago.
  4. Solaris: A science fiction masterpiece by Stanisław Lem that offers profound reflections on humanity and the universe.
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The books were written by Polish authors in Indonesian, making them invaluable resources for the library and archives patrons at UGM to better understand the culture and knowledge of Poland directly in their own language. Piotr Firlus expressed his great hope that this book donation could serve as a bridge of knowledge, encouraging many UGM students to continue their studies in Poland, thereby fostering a closer and mutually beneficial academic exchange between the two countries.

Arif Surachman expressed deep appreciation, stating, "This donation not only enriches our library’s collection but also opens new horizons for readers. It’s a concrete step towards strengthening bilateral relations and expanding global knowledge."

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This visit exemplifies Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17: Partnerships for the Goals. International cooperation like this is key to achieving progress and common goals. With this book donation, UGM Library and Archives reaffirm their commitment to becoming an inclusive knowledge hub that supports cultural and academic exchanges globally. May the relationship with the Polish Embassy continue to thrive and benefit both sides.

Contributor: Wasilatul Baroroh