
good health and well-being

Family Harmony at the End of the Celebration: UGM Library and Archives Family Gathering

On a bright Sunday, September 22, 2024, the UGM Library and Archives courtyard was filled with laughter and joy. Under the warm sunlight, a strong sense of togetherness was forged during the family gathering event, marking the conclusion of the extensive celebrations of the 1st Anniversary of the UGM Library and Archives, which had been ongoing since March 2024.

The event was attended not only by the management and staff of the Library and Archives but also by cleaning service personnel, part-time students, and their families. With a variety of exciting activities, the event successfully created a warm and friendly atmosphere.

The UGM Library and Archives family gathering kicked off with a group exercise session. Aligned with the goal of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, which is to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all, this morning exercise provided a refreshing and invigorating start. Full of energy, participants moved in unison, igniting the spirit of healthy and positive living.

Following the energetic group exercise, the excitement continued with a series of fun competitions. The water transfer and ball transfer competitions became the main attraction, creating a cheerful and enjoyable competitive atmosphere. Cheers and laughter filled the air as each team gave their best to win the games.

In addition, the event was further enlivened by the much-anticipated door prize giveaways. Furthermore, the celebration included the announcement of the “Employee of the Year”, a prestigious award recognizing the dedication and hard work of selected staff members. The event also featured a group sing-along session, fostering a warm sense of togetherness among all participants.

This family gathering successfully strengthened the bond between employees and their families. The warm atmosphere that was created throughout the event served as an important occasion to reinforce the sense of togetherness, not only within the workplace but also beyond.

This event also served as a moment of collective reflection on how the sense of unity and closeness that had been nurtured could further inspire the spirit to consistently deliver excellent service at the UGM Library and Archives. With increasingly stronger relationships, the spirit of collaboration and commitment to serving has taken root, building a solid foundation to face future challenges.

Contributor: Wasilatul Baroroh


MCU RSA UGM Goes to Campus: Stepping Towards a Healthier Future

The MCU RSA Goes to Campus event was held at the UGM Library and Archives in collaboration with Gadjah Mada Medical Center (GMC) and UGM Academic Hospital (RSA UGM).

Yogyakarta, July 1, 2024 – The spirit of life gathered at Gadjah Mada University’s Library and Archives with the presence of MCU RSA UGM Goes to Campus. This event is part of the first anniversary celebrations of UGM Library and Archives. MCU RSA UGM Goes to Campus not only raises awareness of the importance of health but also demonstrates UGM’s commitment to supporting the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3: Health and Well-being.

The event took place in the Windows of the World (WOW) Room and the Disabilities Room at UGM Library and Archives. In collaboration with Gadjah Mada Medical Center (GMC) and UGM Academic Hospital (RSA UGM), the event attracted the participation of 30 individuals from across the UGM Library and Archives staff. Among them, 20 participants were individuals above the age of 50

who underwent a series of health examinations, while the remaining 10 participants were under the age of 50. The health screenings included anthropometry, BMI (Body Mass Index), blood tests, urine tests, and Electrocardiography (EKG).

“We are grateful and proud of the enthusiasm shown by the participants in MCU RSA Goes to Campus. Besides being a celebration of the first anniversary of UGM Library and Archives, this event also serves as a crucial moment to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals," expressed Sarwono, SIP., MA., Chairman of the 1st Anniversary Committee of UGM Library and Archives. "We believe that every small step taken towards maintaining health has a significant impact on building a healthier society.”

UGM Library and Archives is committed to maintaining the health of its staff as an investment in a better future. The support from GMC and RSA UGM in organizing this MCU reflects a strong collaboration between education and healthcare services. This event is not only about physical health check-ups but also about educating and empowering individuals to live healthier lives. Health is a gift that must be maintained wisely. With strong collaboration, a solid foundation will be built for a healthier future.

Contributor: Wasilatul Baroroh


“Our Blood, Our Story”: Blood Donation Action at UGM Library and Archives Strengthens Commitment to Health and Well-being

UGM Library and Archives, in collaboration with UGM Academic Hospital, organized a blood donation drive.

Gadjah Mada University's Library and Archives transformed the Windows of the World (WOW) Room into a place unlike any other. It served not only as a space for learning but also as a silent witness to a meaningful celebration. On Monday, July 1, 2024, UGM Library and Archives hosted a blood donation drive in the WOW Room, a small step with significant impact on life and well-being. This event was part of the first anniversary celebrations of UGM Library and Archives and a concrete effort to support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3: Good Health and Well-being.

The blood donation drive was held in collaboration with UGM Academic Hospital and was attended by 64 participants, including faculty, educational staff, and UGM students. Participants enthusiastically donated their blood as an expression of care for others and to support efforts in ensuring an adequate blood supply in hospitals. They came with sincere intentions to give life to those in need, weaving humanity with every drop of blood donated.

“For me, blood donation is very beneficial, especially for health, where our blood will be replaced with new blood. Especially if our blood donation can be immediately utilized for those in need, it feels very sincere,” expressed Aryanto Adi Nugroho, one of the blood donors. “Blood donation during the 1st Anniversary of UGM Library and Archives was very enjoyable, the service was excellent, and there was no long waiting time, it only took about 10 minutes to finish. Congratulations on the 1st Anniversary of UGM Library and Archives. Regards to Literacy.”

The blood donation process proceeded smoothly while adhering to health protocols, creating a safe environment for donors. Each participant received appreciation for their contribution to collective efforts in achieving a healthier society. This event served not only as a blood donation campaign but also as a tangible manifestation of the institution's commitment to actively engage in health and well-being development for the community.

This activity was not just part of a celebration but also a reminder of the importance of health and well-being for all. With a spirit of togetherness, UGM Library and Archives remains committed to continuing its contributions towards creating a better world through various positive initiatives. Amidst the bustling campus life, this event was a breath of fresh air, reminding us of the importance of solidarity and empathy.

As this event concludes successfully, organizers extend their gratitude to all participants and stakeholders for their support in promoting SDG 3 through tangible actions like blood donation. Let's weave a healthier and more prosperous future together, in unity and compassion.

Contributor: Wasilatul Baroroh


The Importance of Mental Health and Nutrition: Library and Archives Host Health Lecture

Mental Health and Nutrition have become concerns for many parties considering their significant impact on the productivity of working staff. This includes the staff of the Library and Archives. In celebration of its first anniversary, the Library and Archives organized a health lecture on Monday (1/7) at the Seminar Room of the Library and Archives, conducted in a hybrid format and attended by participants from all librarians, archivists, library staff, and archive staff within Universitas Gadjah Mada, as well as open to limited Library visitors. The Health Lecture is one of the collaborative activities between RSA UGM, HPU UGM, and GMC, along with a series of blood donation activities and RSA Goes to Campus, all held simultaneously.

"This Health Lecture is held precisely on July 1 as part of the first anniversary celebration of the Library and Archives of UGM," said Sarwono, S.IP., M.A., chairman of the Library and Archives anniversary committee for 2024. "According to survey results, awareness of mental health remains low," added Arif Surachman, S.IP., M.B.A., Head of the Library and Archives, in his remarks.

It is hoped that this event will help improve staff's ability to manage their mental health accompanied by balanced nutrition. This activity also reflects the commitment of the Library and Archives to implement SDG Goal 3 on Good Health and Well-being.

Healthy mental state is certainly inseparable from physical well-being. "With a healthy body, mental health will also follow suit, and we should be the ones managing our schedules, not the other way around," said Prof. Dra. Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Si., Ph.D., delivering the Mental Health content.

"Change must start from small things, even being grateful for the smallest things can make us happier, just as physical activities can increase endorphin hormones, which have positive effects on mental health," she added.

Mental health also depends on the quality of the food we consume. "The better the nutritional content of the food we consume, the better it is for our bodies," as stated by Tony Arjuna, S.Gz., M.Nut.Diet., AN., APD., Ph.D., during his presentation on Nutrition Management. "There are millions of microbes entering our mouths from food, so we must be more selective about what goes into our mouths," he explained.

"The effects of the food we eat also manifest gradually over the long term. Besides the type of food, improper eating patterns can also impact health, including feelings of fatigue, drowsiness, mood swings, brain fog, and depression," he stated.

Both speakers managed to lighten the atmosphere, and participants appeared enthusiastic in listening and asking questions, both online and offline. Following the presentations and Q&A session, three top questioners received door prizes from the Library and Archives.

Contributor: Nabiilah


Healthy Steps on Campus: UGM Library and Archives Hold Exciting Fun Walk!

Universitas Gadjah Mada Library and Archives held a healthy walk in celebration of its first anniversary. The event took place around the UGM campus area. The route was from UGM Library and Archives to the south through GSP towards the alumni office then to DPKM and back north to UGM Library and Archives. This activity was attended by employees and education personnel. The event, which started at 07.00 am, aims to promote a lifestyle that is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 3 of ensuring a healthy life and improving the welfare of all people of all ages.

Head of Library Arif Suratman, SIP, M.B.A, before releasing the participants of the healthy walk, stated that this event is one part of the implementation of Health Promoting Unit activities in collaboration with the integrated health bureau supported by RSA UGM and Gadjah Mada Medical Center. The organization of this way implements the SDGs, especially in terms of health and welfare (SDG3) and quality education (SDG 4).

The library can then become a community health for the Gadjah Mada University community that always supports according to UGM's vision and mission. So in the future we are very supportive if there are programs from HPU / RSA / GMC to support each vision and mission further and routinely.

UGM Library and Archives took this opportunity to introduce their various initiatives and programs that support SDGs. As one of the leading universities in Indonesia, UGM continues to strive to be a pioneer in the implementation of activities that are oriented towards sustainability and community welfare. With this healthy walk event, UGM Library and Archives hopes to inspire more people to live a healthy lifestyle in accordance with the implementation of SDGs point 3.

Contributor: Srani Riska Viantami


Efforts to Prevent Non-Communicable Diseases through Posbindu-PTM

The Library and Archives of Universitas Gadjah Mada held an Integrated Non-Communicable Disease Management Post (Posbindu PTM) event on Friday, June 28, 2024, in the lobby of the UGM Library and Archives Building. This event was part of the series of activities for the 1st Anniversary of the UGM Library and Archives.

The Posbindu activity, aimed at the entire UGM academic community, aligns with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 3: Good Health and Well-being. To ensure its success, the UGM Library and Archives collaborated with the Health Promoting University (HPU) and the UGM Integrated Health Bureau. This Posbindu activity was also supported by the UGM Academic Hospital and the Gadjah Mada Medical Centre.

The Posbindu activities involve monitoring and early detection of risk factors for non-communicable diseases. This initiative has been ongoing in Indonesia since 2002. The event was attended by the leaders and staff of the UGM Library and Archives, members of the librarian forum, members of

forsipagama, part-time students, and cleaning service staff.

The Posbindu PTM organized consisted of five series of activities that participants had to undergo: height, weight, and Body Mass Index (BMI) measurements; blood pressure and waist circumference checks; cholesterol, blood sugar, and uric acid tests; nutritional consultations; and mental health consultations.

The purpose of this event was to enhance the productivity and quality of the campus community. This initiative aimed to promote healthy behaviors among lecturers, educational staff, and students so that they can become more productive and high-quality individuals. Efforts to increase health awareness on campus also support the implementation of SDGs point 4: Quality Education.

The Posbindu PTM event was first opened with speeches from Arif Surachman, SIP., M.B.A., Head of the Library and Archives; Prof. Dra. Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Si., Ph.D., Head of the Department of Health Behavior, Environment, and Social Medicine/Chair of HPU UGM; and Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, S.S., M.Hum., DEA, Vice-Rector for Education and Teaching at UGM.

In line with SDGs point 3, this event is expected to ensure the health of the entire campus community.

“As the head of HPU, I am pleased that this Posbindu has been successfully implemented in several faculties and units, including the library. Please continue these activities. The hope is that this initiative will keep the campus community healthy and continue to maintain their health until the end of their tenure” said Prof. Yayi, Chair of HPU, in her speech.

The health aspects prioritized in this activity are not only to support SDG goal 3 but also to promote positive and beneficial activities for the academic community of UGM.

“Health aspects are crucial, so please continue to prioritize them and ensure strong promotion of these activities” Prof. Wening emphasized in her opening remarks.

The event ended with health checks conducted in an orderly manner according to the HPU activity sequence until completion. The existence of this activity is expected to serve as a positive breakthrough in continuously improving and maintaining health.

Contributor: Nisa Asfiya Husna


Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics in Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). What are their Roles? – Book Review

Book Title
: Buku Ajar Nutrigenomik dan Nutrigenetik bagi Mahasiswa Gizi
: Harry Freitag Luglio Muhammad, Dian Caturini Sulistyoningrum, Rio Jati Kusuma, Anggi Laksmita Dewi, Iffa Karina
: Gadjah Mada University Press
: 978-602-386-992-3

Currently, global attention is focused on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The main objective of SDGs is to achieve sustainable development in various aspects of life. One of these goals is to ensure a healthy life and improve the well-being of all people of all ages. This goal reflects a commitment to providing universal access to quality healthcare services and efforts to enhance health conditions and well-being for all layers of society worldwide.

In the past few decades, there has been a shift in the disease burden from infectious diseases to Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). NCDs account for approximately 74% of all global deaths. Similarly, in Indonesia, about 69% of Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) lost are attributed to NCDs, including cancer, stroke, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. In the context of the third Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on Good Health and Well-being, one of the targets for 2030 is to reduce premature deaths caused by NCDs by one-third through prevention and treatment efforts.

With the rapid advancements in healthcare technology, a new branch of science has emerged known as nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics. As mentioned in this book, nutrigenomics examines the interaction between nutrient intake (macronutrients, micronutrients, and bioactive compounds) and gene expression within the body. Meanwhile, nutrigenetics focuses on studying how an individual's genetic variations can influence their response to nutritional intake. Through a deeper understanding of these two branches of science, it is expected that doors will open towards a personalized approach to nutrition and health, aligning with the unique needs of each individual.

In this book, the author provides a detailed explanation of nutrigenomics, nutrigenetics, genetic variations, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNPs), chromosome structure and organization, and gene expression. Not only that, but the author also elucidates human genetics and the terminology commonly used in this field to facilitate a better understanding of genetics. Beyond the foundational explanations, the book presents case examples of nutrigenetics and how genetic variations can impact nutritional requirements. The cases discussed include phenylketonuria, lactose intolerance, galactosemia, and deficient aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme.

Another advantage of this book is the presence of dedicated chapters addressing nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics in Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension and heart diseases, cancer, and obesity. In these chapters, readers can gain a more detailed understanding of the biological mechanisms, existing genetic variations, interactions between genes and dietary factors, and appropriate nutritional recommendations. For instance, there is a discussion on the genetic variation in the APOA2 gene, where individuals with the CC genotype are responsive to saturated fats, thereby having a higher risk of obesity and cardiovascular diseases. The recommended diet for individuals with the CC genotype in the APOA2 gene is to reduce saturated fat intake to mitigate the associated risks.

This book is highly suitable for nutrition students and practitioners interested in exploring the branches of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics in the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare technology. The nutrigenomic and nutrigenetic approaches outlined in the book are incredibly beneficial in providing precise nutritional recommendations tailored to the genetic variations of each individual, especially concerning the prevention and treatment of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). This knowledge is anticipated to continue to advance and play a pivotal role in achieving the third goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is Good Health and Well-being. This book can be found in the Borrowing and Returning Book Room of the UGM Library.

Contributor: Annisa Fitria Nur Azizah

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Sports Facilities for UGM Community to Support Good Health and Well-Being