
Language: English

Scholarship presentation

Book ReLaunch and Discussion

Be precise and concise, explain your thesis in 3MT

Oxford Scholarship Online and Oxford Journals Quizzes

There are only a few days left to enter the first round of our two quizzes: the Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) Quiz, and the Oxford Journals Quiz. The quizzes are for members of libraries who subscribe to OSO and/or Oxford Journals, and they are designed to help you promote usage of these resources.

Both quizzes launched on 1st September last year, and offer your members several chances to win an iPod shuffle, plus the opportunity to win the grand prize of an iPad mini or £250/US$350 worth of OUP books of their choice. The first round of the quiz closes on 31st January, with the second round launching straight after, on 1st February.

Information and Analysis Graphic: The Latest Challenge to Library World

Wednesday, 30 November 2016, was a chance for UGM librarian forum to hold a national seminar entitled ‘’Cross-profession Collaboration for Information Access and Institution Visibility Enhancement, presented Mr. Ismail Fahmi (Co-founder of Awesometrics and Developer of Indonesia OneSearch (IOS), Widyawan (Director of UGM Directorate of Information Resources and System), and Mr. Arif Surachman (Head of Database & Library Network Division). The event was directly opened by Head of UGM Library, Mrs. Nawang Purwanti, as she particularly invited librarians from all over Indonesia who came to UGM, to be able to optimize library by collaborating with Information Technology Team and Leader, and civitas academica of higher education.

Cross-profession collaboration seemed apparent in terms of library and librarian field development. Ismail Fahmi mentioned the latest library innovation, Indonesia OneSearch (IOS) spearheaded by National Library is a form of librarian, TI (Technology Information), and library management partnership. IOS is a bright spot of knowledge management in extremely large data sets (BigData). It consists of collections which spread among school library (61,621), universities (1,106), Public (2,354), and Private (1,186). Until now, National Library is the greatest contributor with total of 784,998 collections, followed by 188,323 collections owned by Regional Library and Archives Agency, and other hundreds of collections are restored. Those huge amount of data will be depicted, remodeled and presented in form of Knowledge Graphic and Text Analysis that can be used to depict knowledge and information in libraries all over Indonesia.

In regional and local scope, as stated by Mr. Widyawan (Director of DSSDI UGM), collaboration was implemented by DSSDI (Directorate of Information and Resource System) with working unit within UGM as UGMFramework 2.0 in form of information system integration and mobile technology, research publication, online courses, and et cetera. Meanwhile, together with some universities, they developed a voluntarily and limited access member repository partnership entitled Indonesia Education and Research Network (IdREN).

In the last session, Arif Surachman delivered some forms of collaborative works between library field and Campus Information Technology, competence of each role which are librarian competence and Information Technology staff competence.

The participants from all over higher educations in Indonesia were ecstatic on its collaboration and delivered good news on library. Library of Lambung Mangkurat Unviersity, Banjarmasin, has been joined IOS. Meanwhile, library of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM has been starting to move towards digital library, and library of Andalas University is optimistic on information resources spread in all over places in Indonesia.

Those series of conversations showed that the effort of librarian and library is not an individual work any longer as it moved into wider knowledge and information management work, without restricted by a mere library wall and involved various of profession to reach latest innovation in library world as it enters era of BigData.(Cahya)

Library Meet Academicians All Times via MLibrary

Thursday, September 1th, 2016 at 09:00 to 11:00, the UGM Library benchmarked by Agency for Nuclear Power (BAPETEN), led by Mr. Trianto Setiawan, SE as Head of Sub Division of Scientific Documentation together with 5 (five) staff of sub-section of the software and hardware, librarians, and network. BAPETEN is an agency under the Ministry of RISTEKDIKTI whose function is to supervise the use of nuclear energy. BAPETEN team visitation aimed at knowledge sharing on library management and services. The BAPETEN delegation was welcomed by Mr. Arif Surachman, M.B.A, the Head of Database and Library Network UGM, Mr. Haryanta staff of IT and Digital Resources and Ms. Nur Cahyati Wahyuni ​​(Public Relation).

At the beginning of the session, Ms. Wahyuni said that the library is one of UGM’s learning icons. Therefore, the UGM Library facilitates spaces for students to interact, discuss and learn together. “The concept of the new Library Building is for information commons, where students can interact with the academic community and knowledge of the various print and electronic resources. To make users more comfortable, Library also provides discussion room, campus drinking water system (SPAM), and also free wifi”, she said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Haryanta affirmed that accessing the collection of UGM Library is much easier nowadays. UGM Library has integrated Library Information System with 20 libraries of the Faculty/School that enables students to access the catalog and borrow books throughout the library of the Faculty /School.

Mr. Arif Surachman explained UGM Library mobile application was implemented to improve the role in learning. In cooperation with PT. Gamatechno, UGM Library launched MLibrary in Android version in 2014 and iOS version in 2015. Simply by having an MLibrary account, students can access online catalog to search for a particular document in the collection available, check its availability and loan status. Thus, there is no need to physically come to the library to find out availability of a specific document.

From the discussion during the visit, as the representative of BAPETEN, Mr. Trianto Setiawan expressed his interest in MLibrary application services and the Library Information System “Integration” developed by UGM Library. He hoped that the implementation of MLibrary application at BAPETEN could assist the researchers on doing library research and accessing library services and digital journals through smart phones. For the librarians, the provision mobile library service is beneficial because they can “meet” library users at any time to deliver the current information.(Cahya)

UGM Library Present in all about UGM’s Orientation for New Students of Graduate Study Program

Tuesday, August 30th, 2016 at the New Graduate Student Orientation Event UGM, Head of UGM Library, Dra. NawangPurwanti, M.Lib introduced UGM Library and gave direction to New Graduate Students. Bringing the theme “Preparing the scholarly leader to the resurrection of technological sovereignty of Indonesia”, UGM expects the New Graduate Student generation to be able to solve to the nation’s problems in the future.

During the panel session of successful learners’ debriefing, Nawang along with two other speakers, Dr. I Made Arsana (Head of the Office of International Affairs UGM) and Mr. M YudhaGhofur, M.Sc (Head of Sub Directorateof Applications and ICT, Directorate of System and Information Resources UGM), explained how to use the services and facilities provided by UGM Library.

Nawang invited new students of Graduate Study Program to make the best use of the library facilities. UGM invests at least IDR 12 billion per year to subscribe to contents of international journals and other databases in enhancing its role as a students’ partner in learning to pursue knowledge. Through the library’s portal, students can access the print and electronic resources provided by UGM Library, as well as locate certain printed documents available on the entire collection housed in all libraries within UGM campus network through a single click in the “discovery search” menu.

Since 2013,UGM Library has integrated various systems developed by the Library at the Faculty/School within UGM in one system named “SIPUS Integration”. This integrated system enables the student not only to identify the entire collection owned by the library in UGM but also to borrow particular titles in the collection across library units. Currently a project that integrates SIPUS with other information systems at UGM such as Academic Information System and Graduation Information System is undergoing. The policy of sharing is expected to be implemented more widely so as to optimize the use of resources that has been invested by UGM so far.

To accelerate efforts in maintaining academic integrity, UGM and PT. Gama Techno has developed similarity detection system named AIMOS, Academic Integrity Monitoring System. Through this application,students can find out similarity among paper works produced within UGM that will help save them against plagiarism.

At last, Nawangsaid that UGM Library is currently a member of state library cooperation forum or Forum Kerjasama Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (FKP2TN)”. The current members comprise 78 state university libraries in Indonesia (please check Through this cooperation, tudents can use library services incorporated in this forum. In other words, students who have got an FKP2TN card or KARTU SAKTI are legible to get services from the library that has joined FKP2TN scheme. KARTU SAKTI can be obtained from UGM Library at Infodesk counter.(Cahya)