


jam layanan perpustakaan 24-26 agustus

Library Opening Hours

library opening hours

Due to Eid Adha, UGM Library will be closed

due to Eid Adha, UGM Library will be closed on 28th June - 1 July 2023

Due to Pancasila Day and Vesak Day, UGM Library will be Closed

libur nasional

UGM Library will be closed due to Nyepi Day

nyepi day

Winner Announcement, ClinicalKey Quiz

pemenang kuis clinicalkey

Hello, Sobat Perpus!

We are excited to announce the winners of ClinicalKey Quiz event.

First of all, we would like to send a big thank you to everyone who participated in our event, and answered all questions correctly.

We are pleased to announce the winners of the ClinicalKey quiz:

  1. Alvin Fahrul Rozi S (456234) – Faculty of Engineering
  2. Ika Hana Pertiwi (466639) – Faculty of Psychology
  3. Moch Nachruddin (500906) – Faculty of Economics and Business

Congratulations to all our winners!

Please come to the UGM Library to get the reward.

See you in the next exciting event!

Be precise and concise, explain your thesis in 3MT

Oxford Scholarship Online and Oxford Journals Quizzes

There are only a few days left to enter the first round of our two quizzes: the Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) Quiz, and the Oxford Journals Quiz. The quizzes are for members of libraries who subscribe to OSO and/or Oxford Journals, and they are designed to help you promote usage of these resources.

Both quizzes launched on 1st September last year, and offer your members several chances to win an iPod shuffle, plus the opportunity to win the grand prize of an iPad mini or £250/US$350 worth of OUP books of their choice. The first round of the quiz closes on 31st January, with the second round launching straight after, on 1st February.