Database, Jurnal Elektronik, dan Buku Elektronik

Multi Subjek/Freedom Collections

Cambridge Core Cambridge Core is a brand new platform for Cambridge University Press's academic content. Our book and journal content has been brought together for the first time on Cambridge Core: a sophisticated, high-performance replacement for Cambridge Journals Online and Cambridge Books Online. Subscription List
Paket database EBSCO yang dilanggan oleh Perpustakaan UGM meliputi Academic Search Complete yang meliputi multidisplin ilmu dan Business Source Complete yang memuat jurnal dan terbitan berkala lainnya di bidang bisnis dan ekonomi. Database yang disediakan oleh EBSCO adalah database aggregator yang memuat publikasi dari berbagai penerbit jurnal dan jenis terbitan lainnya. Sebagai database aggregator beberapa judul dalam database EBSCO mengalami embargo yang membatasi akses terhadap full text hingga waktu tertentu. Daftar koleksi Ebsco yang dilanggan.
emerald insight UGM melanggan Emerald Full Collection meliputi 309 jurnal dan lebih dari 249,000 artikel. Melingkupi 13 subjek termasuk di dalamnya Management Collection, Engineering & Information Collection. Tersedia backfile article sampai tahun 1994. Berikut ini daftar koleksi Emerald Insight.
incites logo InCites Benchmarking & Analytics is a flexible research evaluation tool that helps you easily analyze trusted data to make confident decisions about your research programs.
Nature Online Focusing on the needs of scientists, Nature (founded in 1869) is the leading weekly, international scientific journal. In addition, for this audience, Nature Research publishes the Nature research journals and Nature Reviews journals, plus a range of prestigious academic journals including society-owned publications. Online, provides over 6 million visitors per month with access to Nature Research publications and online databases and services, including news and comment from Nature, NatureJobs plus access to Nature Education's
Nature Complete Akses ke jurnal Nature sebanyak 96 judul, kecuali yg terbitan terbaru di 2023 (Nature Water, Nature Biomed Engineering, Nature Mental Health). Akses dapat dilakukan untuk naskah lengkap sejak tahun 2007-sekarang (terbaru)
Oxford Academic Oxford Academic is a division of Oxford University Press (OUP). Oxford Journals Collection includes highly cited, quality journals in the fields of Medicine, Life Sciences, Humanities, Law, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, and Social Sciences. Subscription List
ProQuest memberi Anda akses ke dokumen baru dan historis dari sumber-sumber seperti: Koran, Disertasi dan tesis (ProQuest adalah arsip disertasi digital resmi bagi Library of Congress), Jurnal akademik, Siaran televisi dan radio, Layanan jaringan pemberitaan dan rilis pers, Laporan tahunan dan snapshot perusahaan, Buku, Dokumen dan arsip pemerintah, Peta. Daftar dilanggan ABI/INFORM Collection dan Research Library
Sage Journals SAGE is the world’s 5th largest journals publisher. Our portfolio includes more than 700 journals spanning the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology, and Medicine, and more than 298 are published on behalf of learned societies and institutions. Subscription list
Sage Research Methods

SAGE Research Methods adalah konten-konten metodologi komprehensif dan terintegrasi dengan lebih dari 1.000 buku, referensi, dan artikel jurnal ; studi kasus dari penelitian terdahulu ; datasets bahan pengajaran dan praktek analisis data untuk membantu peneliti menguasai teknik analisis data serta dilengkapi videos mengenai metodologi penelitian.

SAGE Research Methods memenuhi setiap aspek pelatihan skill penelitian dan membantu peneliti di setiap tahapan proses penelitian.

SAGE Research Methods

  • Lebih dari 1000 buku-buku SAGE mengenai metodologi penelitian, referensi, dan artikel jurnal di subject metodologi penelitian, statistic, dan evaluasi.
  • Sekitar 500 studi kasus untuk membantu menunjukkan bagaimana peneliti melakukan penelitian mereka disertai dengan pertanyaan diskusi dan tujuan pembelajaran yang bisa digunakan untuk pengajaran di kelas.
  • Sekitar 230 dataset untuk membantu dalam analisis data seperti SPSS ataupun data kualitatif seperti interview yang juga disertai dengan data, how to guide dll.
  • Methods Map menunjukkan bagaimana istilah dan konsep dalam metodologi saling terkait.
  • Reading Lists dapat digunakan untuk menghimpun daftar buku pilihan, bab buku, artikel jurnal, studi kasus, datasets, atau video sebagai folder pribadi.
  • Project Planner menuntun peneliti di setiap tahapan penelitian dengan konten instruksional dan link ke konten yang dimaksud di platform.
  • Which Stats Test membantu peneliti memilih metodologi statistic terbaik untuk digunakan setelah menjawab beberapa kuis singkat mengenai jenis data penelitian yang digunakan.

Daftar langganan

Science Direct ScienceDirect adalah database yang berisi jurnal dan buku elektronik dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu yang disediakan oleh penerbit Elsevier. Konten dalam database ScienceDirect yang dilanggan oleh UGM untuk civitas academica saat ini adalah paket Freedom Collection (jurnal saja) yang berisi sekitar 2233 judul jurnal dengan akses fulltext mulai tahun 2004 hingga yang terbaru. Koleksi ScienceDirect yang dilanggan
SciVal SciVal provides access to the research performance of thousands of research institutions and their associated researchers from 231 nations worldwide—so you can visualize research performance, benchmark relative to peers, develop strategic partnerships, identify and analyze new, emerging research trends, and create uniquely tailored reports.
Scopus Scopus merupakan database navigasi yang berisi cantuman, abstrak dan kutipan database dari literatur peer-review dengan peralatan canggih yang melacak, menganalisis dan memvisualisasikan penelitian. Scopus dirancang untuk membantu institusi penelitian maupun perguruan tinggi mengetahui produktivitas institusinya dalam publikasi ilmiah. Saat ini fasilitas indeks yang tersedia di Scopus sangat berguna untuk memonitor kiprah institusi tertentu dalam menghasilkan publikasi internasional dan mendapatkan reputasi internasional. Oleh karena itu Scopus dijadikan salah satu rujukan untuk menilai posisi perguruan tinggi dalam perankingan internasional.
SpringerNature Springerlink covering the following science areas: Biomedical Sciences, Business & Management, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences and Geography, Economics, Education & Language, Energy, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Food Sciences & Nutrition, Law, Life Sciences, Materials, Mathematics, Medicine, Physics, Psychology, Public Health, Social Sciences, Statistics. Subscription list
Statista Statista collects relevant market data from third parties and makes it available to its customers in the form of statistics and studies. Sources include government institutions, such as statistical offices and ministries, international organizations, market research institutes, and trade journals. Statista bundles data from a total of 22,500 different sources.
web of science The Web of Science™ is the world’s most trusted publisher-independent global citation database. Guided by the legacy of Dr Eugene Garfield, inventor of the world’s first citation index, the Web of Science is the most powerful research engine, delivering your library with best-in-class publication and citation data for confident discovery, access and assessment.

Jurnal Kesehatan dan Kedokteran

BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology BJOG is an editorially independent publication owned by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG). The Journal publishes original, peer-reviewed work in all areas of obstetrics and gynaecology, including contraception, urogynaecology, fertility, oncology and clinical practice. Its aim is to publish the highest quality medical research in women's health, worldwide.
BMJ The BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal) is an international peer reviewed medical journal and a fully “online first” publication. Our "continuous publication" model means that all articles appear on and some appear in an issue of the print journal. The website is updated daily with The BMJ’s latest original research, education, news, and comment articles, as well as podcasts, videos, and blogs. The BMJ's team is based mainly in London, although we also have editors elsewhere in Europe, in the US, and in India.
Clinical Key Clinical Key: ClinicalKey merupakan produk database dari Elsevier yang diperuntukkan bagi profesi kesehatan khususnya dokter dan klinisi. Konten dalam ClinicalKey meliputi jurnal, buku, informasi obat, dan materi untuk pendidikan pasien (patient education).
Cochrane Library Cochrane Library is a collection of six databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making, and a seventh database that provides information about groups in The Cochrane Collaboration.
Immunological Reviews While each volume of Immunological Reviews is devoted to a single topic of immunological research, collectively their aim is to provide a broad and continuously updated survey of advances in basic immunology and their clinical applications.
J. Clin. Periodontol. Journal of Clinical Periodontology is the official publication of the European Federation of Periodontology. This Journal's aim is to convey scientific progress in periodontology to those concerned with application of this knowledge for the benefit of the dental health of the community. It addresses itself primarily to clinicians, general practitioners, periodontists, as well as to teachers and administrators involved in the organisation of prevention and treatment of periodontal disease. The Journal publishes original contributions of high scientific merit in the field of physiology and pathology of the periodontium, diagnosis, epidemiology and prevention and therapy of periodontal disease, review articles by experts on new developments in basic and applied periodontal science, advances in periodontal technique and instrumentation, and case reports which illustrate important new information.
Journal of Internal Medicine Journal of Internal Medicine (JIM), with its International Advisory Board, has developed into a highly successful journal since it was launched in its revised form in 1989. JIM publishes original clinical work within the broad field of general and internal medicine and its sub-specialties. It features original articles, reviews, and case reports. JIM also supports and organizes scientific meetings in the form of symposia within the scope of the journal.
Periodontology 2000 Periodontology 2000 comprises a series of monographs intended for periodontists and general practitioners with interest in periodontics. The editorial board identify significant topics and outstanding scientists and clinicians for the individual monographs. Periodontology 2000 serves as a valuable supplement to existing periodontal journals. Three monographs are published each year.
UpToDate UpToDate® is an evidence-based, physician-authored clinical decision support resource which clinicians trust to make the right point-of-care decisions. More than 6,300 world-renowned physician authors, editors, and peer reviewers use a rigorous editorial process to synthesize the most recent medical information into trusted, evidence-based recommendations that are proven to improve patient care and quality. More than 1.1 million clinicians in 180 countries and almost 90% of academic medical centers in the United States rely on UpToDate to provide the best care. That trust has been earned because of the integrity of our recommendations, including the fact that we never accept funding from pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers or other commercial entities.

Jurnal Biologi, Pertanian, dan Kehutanan

The ACSESS Digital Library is a complete collection of all content published by the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America
American Journal of Agricultural Economics The American Journal of Agricultural Economics provides a forum for creative and scholarly work on the economics of agriculture and food, natural resources and the environment, and rural and community development throughout the world. Papers should relate to one of these areas, should have a problem orientation, and should demonstrate originality and innovation in analysis, methods, or application. Analyses of problems pertinent to research, extension, and teaching are equally encouraged, as is interdisciplinary research with a significant economic component. Review articles that offer a comprehensive and insightful survey of a relevant subject, consistent with the scope of the Journal as discussed above, will also be considered. All articles published, regardless of their nature, will be held to the same set of scholarly standards.
American Journal of Primatology The American Journal of Primatology is the official journal of the American Society of Primatologists. The journal is published monthly, and a supplemental issue presents the scientific program of the annual meetings of the American Society of Primatologists. Tersedia akses ke arsip dari tahun 1996-2020
Taylor & Francis Biological, Earth, Environmental & Food Sciences Taylor & Francis Biological, Earth, Environmental & Food Sciences over 40 journals are published on behalf of prestigious societies and organisations including:
  • Australian Journal of Earth Sciences - an International Geoscience Journal of the Geological Society of Australia (GSA)
  • British Poultry Science - the official journal of British Poultry Science Ltd.
  • Italian Journal of Zoology - published on behalf of the Italian Zoological Society
114 journals in the Biological, Earth, Environmental & Food Sciences Collection are listed in Thomson Reuters' Citation Indexes/Web of Science®. Subscription List
CABDIRECT CabDirect, saat ini UGM sudah tidak melanggan lagi, namun beberapa fungsi penelusuran masih dapat digunakan. UGM masih melanggan: The Animal Health & Production Compendium, Aquaculture Compendium, Crop Protection Compendium, dan Forestry Compendium.
CABI COMPENDIUM CABI Compendium helps students, researchers and practitioners discover relevant, in-depth scientific information in their area of interest. Bringing together data and research on species, pests and diseases across agriculture, aquaculture and livestock production,and the environment into one comprehensive resource.
Animal Health and Production Compendium The AHPC is an encyclopedic, mixed-media resource that brings together a wide range of differnet types of science based information on animal diseases, their pathogens and vectors ; animal husbandry, genetics and the nutrition of livestock and poultry species and breeds. This information has been sourced by experts and enhanced with specialist data from organisations as well as maps, images, abstract and full text articles.
Aquaculture Compendium The Aquaculture Compendium (AC) is an encyclopaedic, multimedia tool that brings together a wide range of different types of science-based information to support sound decision-making in aquaculture and aquatic resource management worldwide. It is comprised of information sourced from experts, edited and compiled by an independent scientific organization, and resourced by a diverse international Development Consortium. It is published on the Internet and is kept up to date routinely. Existing information on aquaculture has been collated, evaluated, organized and presented as a single resource. The AC is one of a series of compendia covering animal and plant production, pests and diseases.
Crop Protection Compendium The Crop Protection Compendium is an encyclopaedic resource that brings together a wide range of different types of science-based information on all aspects of crop protection. It comprises detailed datasheets on pests, diseases, weeds, host crops and natural enemies that have been sourced from experts, edited by an independent scientific organization, and enhanced with data from specialist organizations, images, maps, a bibliographic database and full text articles. New datasheets and datasets continue to be added, datasheets are reviewed and updated, and search and analysis tools are being built.
Forestry Compendium The Forestry Compendium has comprehensive, worldwide coverage of tropical, subtropical, temperate and boreal tree species of major economic importance. It contains detailed, illustrated datasheets on over 1300 forest trees, 800 forest pests, diseases and weeds, and basic information on a further 19,000 species.
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science The Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science aims to make a contribution to understanding these challenges. The journal publishes original papers, short communications, and reviews on the general and special science of abiotic plant stress. Topics include: drought, chemical constraints, extreme temperatures, flooding and oxidative stress, salinity, alkaline and acidic stress.
J. Food Sci.jpg The goal of the Journal of Food Science is to offer scientists, researchers, and other food professionals the opportunity to share knowledge of scientific advancements in the myriad disciplines affecting their work, through a respected peer-reviewed publication. The Journal of Food Science serves as an international forum for vital research and developments in food science.

Jurnal Sosial – Humaniora

Accounting and Business Research Accounting and Business Research publishes papers containing a substantial and original contribution to knowledge. Papers may cover any area of accounting, broadly defined and including corporate governance, auditing and taxation. However the focus must be accounting, rather than (corporate) finance or general management. Authors may take a theoretical or an empirical approach, using either quantitative or qualitative methods. They may aim to contribute to developing and understanding the role of accounting in business.
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies BIES is a refereed journal that has been in continuous publication since 1965. It provides a well-respected outlet for high-quality research by both Indonesians and foreigners on any and all matters pertaining to the Indonesian economy. It has played an important role in helping the world, and Indonesians themselves, to understand Indonesia. Each issue leads with a comprehensive 'Survey of recent developments', which aims to be reasonably accessible even to non-economists, and helps to account for the journal's diverse readership within academia, government, business and the broader public.
Economic Development and Cultural Change Economic Development and Cultural Change publishes studies using modern theoretical and empirical approaches that examine both determinants and effects of various dimensions of economic development and cultural change. The focus of EDCC is on publishing empirical, scientifically based studies that use appropriate data to test theoretical models and to explore policy impacts related to a broad range of topics within the field of economic development. EDCC is fundamentally interested in exploring what scientific evidence can tell us about policy issues related to economic development. EDCC publishes both papers with new insights as well as carefully executed replications that explore the robustness of results to different data, diverse model specifications, or ways of estimation. JSTOR coverage 1952-2014., Ebsco coverage October 1st, 1964 to present (with a 12 Month delay).
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology The mission of the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology is to promote and support the development of Work and Organizational Psychology by publishing high-quality scientific articles that improve our understanding of phenomena occurring in work and organizational settings. The journal publishes empirical, theoretical, methodological, and review articles that are relevant to real-world situations.
Financial Accountability & Management Financial Accountability & Management is a leading international academic journal, publishing new thinking and research in the financial accountability, accounting, and financial and resource management of all types of governmental and other non-profit organizations and services. Interdisciplinary in approach, the journal includes contributions from economics, political science, social and public administration, and management sciences, as well as accounting and finance.
HeinOnline HeinOnline is a premier online research platform that provides more than 197 million pages of multidisciplinary periodicals, essential government documents, international resources, case law, and much more. Composed of fully searchable image-based PDFs and available at an affordable price, the wealth of material allows academic institutions, government agencies, law firms, court systems, corporations, and other organizations access to authoritative, true-to-print digital material without the hassle or cost of using multiple research databases.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management The Journal of Environmental Economics and Management publishes theoretical and empirical papers devoted to specific natural resource and environmental issues. For consideration, papers should (1) contain a substantial element embodying the linkage between economic systems and environmental and natural resources systems or (2) be of significant importance in understanding the management of policy issues related to the natural environment. Although the general orientation of the journal is toward economics, interdisciplinary papers by researchers in other fields of interest to resource and environmental economists are welcome. The journal is intended to be of interest not only to research economists but also to the scientific community concerned with resource and environmental management research.
The Journal of Finance The Journal of Finance publishes leading research across all the major fields of financial research. It is the most widely cited academic journal on finance. Each issue of the journal reaches over 8,000 academics, finance professionals, libraries, government and financial institutions around the world. Published six times a year, the journal is the official publication of The American Finance Association, the premier academic organization devoted to the study and promotion of knowledge about financial economics.
Journal of Gender Studies The Journal of Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary journal which publishes articles relating to gender and sex from a feminist perspective covering a wide range of subject areas including the Social, Natural and Health Sciences, the Arts, Humanities, Literature and Popular Culture. We seek articles from around the world that examine gender and the social construction of relationships among genders. As a journal with a broad disciplinary readership we aim to publish papers accessible to this readership.
JHE Journal of Health Economics seeks articles related to the economics of health and medical care. Its scope will include the following topics:Production of health and health services; Demand and utilization of health services; Financing of health services; Measurement of health; Behavioral models of demanders, suppliers and other health care agencies; Health behaviors and policy interventions; Efficiency and distributional aspects of health policy; and such other topics as the Editors may deem appropriate. Applications to problems in both developed and less-developed countries are welcomed.
Journal of Public Economics The aim of the Journal of Public Economics is to encourage original scientific contributions on the problems of public economics, with particular emphasis on the application of modern economic theory and methods of quantitative analysis. It provides a forum for discussion of public policy of interest to an international readership.
JUE The Journal of Urban Economics provides a focal point for the publication of research papers in the rapidly expanding field of urban economics. It publishes papers of great scholarly merit on a wide range of topics and employing a wide range of approaches to urban economics. The Journal welcomes papers that are theoretical or empirical, positive or normative. Although the Journal is not intended to be multidisciplinary, papers by noneconomists are welcome if they are of interest to economists. Brief Notes are also published if they lie within the purview of the Journal and if they contain new information, comment on published work, or new theoretical suggestions.
Global Ethics adalah sebuah jaringan global yang terdiri dari perseorangan dan institusi-institusi yang tertarik pada berbagai bidang etika terapan. menawarkan akses ke sejumlah besar sumber mengenai etika, khususnya melalui perpustakaan digital etika global yang dimiliki dan memfasilitasi web-based riset kolaboratif , konferensi, penerbitan online dan berbagi informasi.
IMF eLibrary Subscribers to IMF Data can use this powerful new tool to access authoritative, harmonized global statistical databases. International Financial Statistics – all aspects of international and domestic finance, with history to 1948. Direction of Trade - value of exports and imports between countries and their trading partners, with history to 1980. Balance of Payments - international economic transactions data and International Investment Position, with history to 1960. Government Finance Statistics - budgetary and extra-budgetary financial operations data of governments, with history to 1990.
The International Journal of Human Resource Management The International Journal of Human Resource Management is the forum for HRM scholars and professionals worldwide. Concerned with the expanding role of strategic human resource management in a fast-changing global environment, the journal focuses on future trends in human resource management, drawing on empirical research in the areas of strategic management, international business, organizational behaviour, personnel management and industrial relations that arise from:
  • internationalization
  • technological change
  • market integration
  • new concepts of line management
  • increased competition
  • changing corporate climates
JSTOR JSTOR merupakan database jurnal multi disiplin yang dilanggan oleh UGM. Terdapat lebih dari 2000 jurnal akademik dalam bidang humaniora, ilmu sosial dan sains, dan beberapa bahan material berupa monografi. Daftar koleksi dilanggan
Multivariate Behavioral Research (MBR) Multivariate Behavioral Research (MBR) publishes a variety of substantive , methodological , and theoretical articles in all areas of the social and behavioral sciences. Most MBR articles fall into one of two categories. Substantive articles report on applications of sophisticated multivariate research methods to study topics of substantive interest in personality, health, intelligence, industrial/organizational, and other behavioral science areas. Methodological articles present and/or evaluate new developments in multivariate methods, or address methodological issues in current research. We also encourage submission of integrative articles related to pedagogy involving multivariate research methods, and to historical treatments of interest and relevance to multivariate research methods.
Osiris Osiris has information on listed, and major unlisted/delisted, companies around the world. The information is very detailed and includes a lot more than financial reports. Different templates are used to show accounts in the correct formats for their company type and location. Mulai 1 Januari 2022, akses melalui Perpustakaan Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis
Taylor & Francis Social Sciences & Humanities Library

The Social Science & Humanities Library provides access to over 1,450 journals spanning a broad range of academic disciplines.

Featured disciplines include:
  • Anthropology, Archaeology & Heritage
  • Arts & Humanities
  • Business, Management & Economics
  • Criminology & Law
  • Education
  • Geography, Planning, Urban & Environment
  • Library & Information Science
  • Media, Cultural & Communication Studies
  • Mental Health & Social Care
  • Politics, International Relations & Area Studies
  • Psychology
  • Sociology & Related Disciplines
  • Sport, Leisure & Tourism
  • Strategic, Defence & Security Studies

Subscription List

Wiley Online Library Westlaw is a global legal research library built on some of the world’s best legal, news and business information. Use SSO login to access.
World Bank Economic Review The World Bank Economic Review is one of the most widely read scholarly economic journals in the world. It is the only journal of its kind that specializes in quantitative development policy analysis. Subject to strict refereeing, articles examine policy choices and therefore emphasize policy relevance rather than theory or methodology. Readers include economists and other social scientists in government, business, international agencies, universities, and research institutions. The WBER seeks to provide the most current and best research in the field of economic development.

Jurnal Teknik & Ilmu Terapan

ACS The American Chemical Society is the leading publisher of peer-reviewed research journals in the chemical and related sciences, serving scientific communities worldwide through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation. Subscription List
AIP The American Institute of Physics (AIP) berisi kumpulan jurnal bidang fisika dan astronomi. Koleksi langganan AIP
APS The journals of the APS embody the mission of the Society "to advance and diffuse the knowledge of Physics." We strive to produce journals of the highest quality, and at the same time, to keep our journals accessible to researchers and students at institutions of all types and sizes, everywhere in the world, through ongoing efforts to reduce production costs and through policies such as tiered pricing and reduced-price or free subscriptions for developing countries. Subscription List
ASME The ASME Digital Collection, previously known as The ASME Digital Library, is ASME’s repository of current and archival literature featuring:
  • ASME's Transaction Journals from 1960 to the present.
  • ASME's Conference Proceedings from 2002 to the present.
  • ASME Press eBooks selected from 1993 to the present.
Subscription List
IEEE Xplore IEEEXplore adalah database bidang ilmu komputer dan teknik elektro yang diterbitkan oleh Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) dan mitra. Database ini disediakan untuk mahasiswa dan dosen Fakultas MIPA dan Teknik.

Daftar dilanggan UGM
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences The Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences will publish original research papers, original research notes, invited topical reviews (including Minireviews), and editorial commentary and news. The area of focus shall be concepts in basic pharmaceutical science and such topics as chemical processing of pharmaceuticals, including crystallization, lyophilization, chemical stability of drugs, pharmacokinetics, biopharmaceutics, pharmacodynamics, pro-drug developments, metabolic disposition of bioactive agents, dosage form design, protein-peptide chemistry and biotechnology specifically as these relate to pharmaceutical technology, and targeted drug delivery.

Akses terbatas dari tahun 1996-2015. Nomor terbaru dapat diakses melalui ScienceDirect, terbatas pada artikel gratis dan open access.

Buku Elektronik

AMA (American Management Association) AMA (American Management Association): Database AMA memuat e-books bidang manajemen yang diterbitkan oleh Amacom. Silakan buka tautan daftar koleksi dari Amacom ini.
Bloomsbury Collections Bloomsbury Collections delivers instant access to quality research and provides libraries with a flexible way to build eBook collections across the humanities and social sciences. It contains nearly 11,000 titles, featuring content from Bloomsbury’s latest research publications as well as a 100+ year legacy including Continuum, T&T Clark, Bristol Classical Press, Berg, The Arden Shakespeare and Hart Publishing.
Cambridge Core Cambridge Core is a brand new platform for Cambridge University Press's academic content. Our book and journal content has been brought together for the first time on Cambridge Core: a sophisticated, high-performance replacement for Cambridge Journals Online and Cambridge Books Online.

Subscription List

CambridgeCore 2023

Ebsco Dentistry & Oral Sciences eBooks With this resource, dental practitioners and researchers now have a definitive place to start and finish their online dental literature research. This revolutionary database contains cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for top dental and oral sciences journals and monographs that are commonly purchased by dental schools and other related institutions. Unprecedented Full-Text Collection Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source offers an extensive collection of important full-text journals, as well as dozens of full-text monographs. The collection includes more than 255 full-text journals, including many of the top-ranked titles in this discipline. As part of this ambitious initiative, EBSCO has created backfiles of indexing, abstracts and full-text spanning dozens of years for many publications, offering an extraordinary amount of information related to this field. Searchable cited references are also included for nearly 125 journals, with links to the complete text of many of the original works. Subscription List
Ebsco eBooks Ebsco eBooks adalah kumpulan buku elektronik (e-books) multidisiplin yang disediakan oleh EBSCO untuk dapat diakses secara perpetual (seterusnya), tidak berdasar langganan tahunan. Daftar e-book terbaru dari Ebsco
Emerald eBooks Emerald Publishing is an independent, award-winning publisher of academic research and thought leadership authored by some of the best known global academic and industry minds. Our eBooks programme includes over 3,600 titles with content covering topics that resonate with the real world. We present the discussion to challenge viewpoints, develop professional skills and bring positive change. Subscription list
GLOBAL Professional Publishing GLOBAL Professional Publishing : Konten dalam database Global Publishing adalah e-book multidisiplin. Daftar koleksi dari Global Professional Publishing dapat dilihat di tautan ini
KITLV (Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde) KITLV (Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde) didirikan tahun 1851 di Leiden. Keberadaannya dimaksudkan untuk mengembangkan kajian antropologi, bahasa, ilmu-ilmu social, dan sejarah Asia Tenggara, wilayah Pasifik dan Karibia. Fokus utamanya pada wilayah koloni Belanda seperti Indonesia, Suriname, Antilles dan Aruba. Kini terbitan KITLV tersedia dalam database KITLV.
ProQuest Ebook Central ProQuest Ebook Central provide the content your users need in one complete platform. With more than 1.8 million ebooks from 1,300+ leading publishers covering all academic disciplines, researchers have access to everything they need in one place.
Subscription list & Subscription list, 2024
Springer eBook Collection Springer eBook Collection: Merupakan buku elektronik terbitan Springer dalam berbagai subjek yang dilanggan oleh UGM secara perpetual. Selain hanya dilihat, beberapa koleksi buku elektronik ini dapat diunduh secara fulltext. Daftar koleksi buku elektronik dilanggan dari Springer
Taylor & Francis E-books Taylor & Francis E-books with over 50,000 eBooks available we provide broad coverage across the teaching syllabus as well as in-depth research into new and evolving topics. These books have been carefully organised into eCollections to help you ensure completeness or as a starting point for further research. Taylor & Francis E-books Collection and CRC and Routledge e-Books 2024
University Press Scholarship Online University Press Scholarship Online (UPSO) saat ini UGM melanggan Public Health dan Epidemiology, namun tidak tertutup kemungkinan dapat mengakses bidang lain yang open access. Daftar koleksi dilanggan
Wiley Online Library Wiley Online Library berisi buku elektronik bidang Pertanian, Arsitek, Ekonomi, Kimia, Komputer, Hukum serta Ilmu Sosial. Berikut ini adalah daftar koleksi dilanggan dari Wiley

Repositori BRIN

Indonesia one search Repositori Ilmiah Nasional (RIN) merupakan aplikasi pengelolaan data dan keluaran hasil kegiatan penelitian, pengembangan, pengkajian, dan penerapan. RIN dapat dimanfaatkan oleh peneliti atau lembaga penelitian untuk mengelola data penelitian. Sistem RIN yang dikelola oleh PDDI LIPI mulai diinisiasi sejak tahun 2015 (dahulu Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Ilmiah LIPI). Sistem ini mulai dapat digunakan oleh umum sejak tahun 2017. RIN bersifat terbuka bagi siapapun dengan latar belakang lembaga manapun: perguruan tinggi, lembaga penelitian pemerintah maupun swasta, industri, ataupun kementerian.

e-Resources Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia

Indonesia one search Indonesia OneSearch atau IOS adalah sebuah pintu pencarian tunggal untuk semua koleksi publik dari perpustakaan, museum, dan arsip di seluruh Indonesia. Selain itu, portal ini juga menyediakan akses ke sumber elektronik internasional (e-resources) yang dilanggan oleh Perpusnas RI untuk semua anggota yang terdaftar.
e-Resources PNRI Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pemustaka, Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia melanggan berbagai bahan perpustakaan digital online (e-Resources) seperti jurnal , ebook, dan karya-karya referensi online lainnya.