Pemustaka yang saya hormati, berikut ini tautan unduh materi diskusi bersama Taylor and Francis dan BPP UGM yang diselenggarakan di Perpustakaan UGM tanggal 28 November 2016.
Materi Peran BPP dalam publikasi karya Civitas UGM (Widodo, Ph.D), silakan unduh di sini
Materi Publishing in academic journals Tips to help you succeed (Lynsey Dixon/TnF) silakan unduh di sini
Kami sampaikan terimakasih, kepada mahasiswa/dosen yang bersedia mengikuti kegiatan yang kami selenggarakan.
Sehubungan dengan adanya informasi pemeliharaan oleh Emerald, maka pada tanggal 7 Juni 2016 akses ke dalam database Emerald akan mengalami gangguan. Berikut ini adalah informasi dari Emerald:
Dear customer,
I am contacting you regarding upcoming maintenance on Emerald’s research platform, Emerald Insight, which is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 7 June 2016, beginning at 08:00 GMT - lasting for up to 12 hours.
During this time, the site will be placed into ‘read-only’ mode, making the following functionality unavailable for the duration of the upgrade:
Activating access tokens
Adding publications as favourites
Alert subscriptions
Any changes to 'My Account' and 'Institutional Account'
Should you access the website during this time, you will receive a notification that the site functionality is temporary unavailable within your browser. Please note that this may also affect some functionality on
This essential website maintenance is part of Emerald’s customer focused development initiative, which aims to deliver an enhanced user experience to our customers.
Many thanks for your patience and continued support.