


The Industrial Revolution 4.0 and its disruptive impact taking place in the past few years as a result of rapid advancement of information and communication technology, the growing population of millennial and post millennial generation, the massive production of smart devices/gadgets, have brought about major changes not only in the dissemination of and access to information but also in the learning process and learning environment. In responding to these changes, educational institutions and their supporting units, including libraries, need to innovate and develop new strategies in supporting Education 4.0 of which the main population is the millennial and post millennial generation with their specific characteristics, needs and preferences

The 15th AUNILO Meeting with the theme “Enhancing Roles of AUN Libraries in Supporting Education 4.0” will be held in 5-7 August at Universitas Gadjah Mada. During the meeting the AUNILO member libraries will discuss their initiatives, plans, experiences, innovations, opportunities and challenges in developing programs and services for the millennial and post millennial generation with reference to the learning and teaching methods and educational system practiced and developed by their parent institutions through a consolidated country report.

The 15th AUNILO Meeting will run in parallel with the 2nd AUNILO Strategic Planning Meeting.